Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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Printed: 04 July 2024 9:24 PM



New Funds on
30 Sep 2021 - Australian Fund Monitors
Here are some of the latest additions to our database. Follow the links to view each fund's profile, where you'll have access to their offer documents, monthly reports, historical returns, performance analytics, rankings, research,...
Crackdowns in China: Part 1
30 Sep 2021 - Arminius Capital
China's crackdown on its homegrown tech giants has triggered waves of confusion in the West. Some political commentators have criticized the Chinese government for undermining individual liberty, rewriting the social contract, and...
Reduce your risk and pick outstanding companies
29 Sep 2021 - Airlie Funds Management
Despite the record reporting season past and the major wall of cash returned to investors this year, we at Airlie can't help but feel things in markets are a little gloomy.
Global small caps: From unrecognised growth to future global titans
28 Sep 2021 - Ausbil Investment Management
Small companies offer the potential for growth that can exceed their larger peers over the long term, an assertion supported by the data. Small Companies offer investors early stage entry into names destined to become future global titans....
The Rate Debate - Episode 20
27 Sep 2021 - Yarra Capital Management
The RBA expects a material slowdown in economic growth in September, but is forecasting a bounce-back in December that will stretch into the first half of 2022. Given market uncertainties, is the RBA's confidence justified, and could it...
What is a Life Settlements Investment?
24 Sep 2021 - Laureola Advisors
A life settlement transaction starts with a policyholder selling their life insurance policies to an investor (usually a fund). The life settlement investor buys the life insurance policy from the policyholder and commits to paying future...
Is Evergrande Contagious?
23 Sep 2021 - Jonathan Wu, Premium China Funds Management
Our view is that the property sector will face continued structural headwinds as the government continues upon its path to "common prosperity". The days of supernormal profits for developers are over. In saying this, the earnings of...
What are the Benefits of Life Settlements for Society?
23 Sep 2021 - Laureola Advisors
Alignment with ESG principles is becoming imperative in investment management. A majority of Australians expect their super or other investments to be invested responsibly and ethically. In addition to the expectation of returns not being...
Crispin Murray: What's driving ASX stocks this week
22 Sep 2021 - Crispin Murray
GLOBAL EQUITY markets remained soft last week. The S&P500 fell 0.5%, bringing month-to-date performance to -1.9%. In Australia, the S&P/ASX 300 was flat, though there was some meaningful sector divergence. Metals and Mining came...
Jamieson Coote Bonds - August 2021 Market and Performance Review
21 Sep 2021 - Channel Capital
Charlie Jamieson, Chief Investment Officer at Jamieson Coote Bonds discusses the market and performance of high grade bonds in August 2021.



Events Calendar

July 2024
Perpetual Live Webinar | Opportunities in credit markets: A 40-year perspective
25 Jul 2024 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Join one of Australia's most experienced credit and fixed-income managers, Michael Korber.


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