Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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Printed: 27 July 2024 6:46 PM

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Create Customised Reports

Create customised performance and risk reports in 3 simple steps. Select from a wide range of metrics or statistics, vary the time frames, and then run, save or edit the results.

  1. Select funds using the Fund Filter;
  2. Choose the funds you want to include by ticking the GREEN +  and then adding additional funds, benchmarks or portfolios;
  3. Give the Report a Name, and Select the required comparison criteria, time period and date range.

Custom Statistics is only available to Premium Subscribers who can save and edit up to 100 reports containing up to 100 funds each.

For more information on Premium Subscription please here

Australian Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
A.C.N. 122 226 724
AFSL 324476
Email: [email protected]