About Us
FundMonitors.com is owned by Australian Fund Monitors Pty Ltd, (AFM)
A.C.N 122 226 724. Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) 324476
Australian Fund Monitors (AFM) was established in 2006 by C.E.O. Chris Gosselin who has over 30 years experience in financial markets in Australia including managing the Melbourne office of Macquarie Equities in the late eighties, before establishing InfoChoice Ltd in 1993 to provide financial information and distribution on the banking sector.
AFM was initially established to provide an "eyes and ears" information service for investors requiring information on the Australian hedge fund sector. Since that time AFM has expanded both the depth and breadth of coverage to focus on any actively managed fund.
The FundMonitors.com website provides information for self directed investors and advisors, and monitors over 900 funds, providing a series of profiles on each, including Fact Sheets, Performance Summaries, and Analytics on each, in standard formats for comparison purposes. The broad scope of information covers basic information on managers and the funds they manage, and is quantitative both from a performance and risk perspective.
In 2014 AFM developed and pioneered online applications for managed funds including AML/KYC verification and electronic execution. OLIVIA123 (On Line Investor Verifications & Interactive Applications) now provides a fast, simple and secure process for investors and advisors to apply for over 100 funds.
Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions or require further information.