Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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Printed: 03 July 2024 11:26 PM



St Helens funds performing strongly despite February hiccup
13 Mar 2009 - Australian Fund Monitors
The two funds managed by St Helens Capital saw small losses in February, the Ailsa Fund down 0.71% and the Arran Fund 0.92% lower. However very good performance in January means that the Ailsa Fund is up 3.14% for the two months this year...
Shorts boost performance for TechInvest Intercept Fund
13 Mar 2009 - Australian Fund Monitors
TechInvest's flagship Intercept Capital Fund posted a strong 1.2% return in February after taking into account fees and taxes. On an annualised basis the fund has returned 9.8% each year since its inception in March 2004.
Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund up 7.88% in February
11 Mar 2009 - Australian Fund Monitors
The Bennelong equity market neutral fund, which won the award for the best market neutral fund in Australia in 2008, has defied the shorting ban on financial stocks to report an impressive return of 7.88% in February to bring results for...
Apeiron Global Macro dips -0.95% in February, still up 2.83% YTD
11 Mar 2009 - Australian Fund Monitors
Apeiron Global Macro has reported a dip in performance for February 2009, but remains positive for t
Takeovers drive MM&E capital fund to another positive result
11 Mar 2009 - Australian Fund Monitors
The MM&E Capital Investment Trust No. 2 recorded a small gain of +0.36% in February, and is now up +0.58% for 2009.
Risk aversion strategy protects Pengana small cap fund
11 Mar 2009 - Australian Fund Monitors
The Pengana Emerging Companies Fund was down -1.7% in February, while the S&P/ASX Small Industrials Accumulation Index was down -10.3%.
2.1% loss is Platinum's best in February
10 Mar 2009 - Australian Fund Monitors
Platinum's suite of funds struggled in February with the best, their International Technology Fund, limiting its losses to 2.1%. After that the next best funds were the International Brands Fund and International Fund which both lost 5.6%,...
AXA note markdown drags Elstree fund down
10 Mar 2009 - Australian Fund Monitors
The Elstree Enhanced Income Fund lost -8.24% in February, including a -2.5% loss on a further markdown on the unlisted AXA note currently owned by the Fund.
Attunga funds weaker in February after a strong start to 2009
10 Mar 2009 - Australian Fund Monitors
The Attunga Enviro Opportunities Fund was down -4.61% in February, down on its +11.12% return in January. Attunga’s Agricultural Trading Fund was also down on its January result, up +0.18% after gaining +4.98% last month.
Capital raisings create opportunities for MM&E event driven fund
10 Mar 2009 - Australian Fund Monitors
The MM&E Capital Takeover Target Fund was up +0.28% in February, after posting a loss of -1.40% in January. This result came about while the S&P/ASX 200 lost -5.5% over the same period.



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