Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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Printed: 04 July 2024 5:24 PM



Quality, growth, and value: The keys to buying the world's best (mispriced)...
6 May 2022 - Claremont Global
2022 has seen a marked shift from "growth" to "value." This has seen a resurgence in both bank and oil stocks. The former is expected to see an improvement in profitability, as interest rates rise with tighter monetary policy, whilst the...
Opportunity and risk in small and mid-cap equities
5 May 2022 - abrdn
The small and mid-cap universe offers the potential to invest in tomorrow's large companies today. In this article, we'll look at ways to navigate this huge global market while balancing the opportunities and risks.
Update on Q1 2022 Webinar Recording
4 May 2022 - Laureola Advisors
If you missed the Laureola Advisors Q1 2022 Review webinar, contact us to access the recording.
Are the winners today also the winners of tomorrow?
4 May 2022 - Insync Fund Managers
March witnessed the third month of the fear-based swing to stocks perceived as short-term winners from the Ukraine invasion and Covid related supply chain issues. Think: materials and economically sensitive stocks. These same events also...
Twitter bids, social media monetisation and control in volatile markets
3 May 2022 - Forager Funds Management
In this episode, CIO Steve Johnson & Senior Analyst Chloe Stokes discuss the bid for Twitter, social media monetisation, and control in volatile markets.
ESG Insights: Being a good NABER
3 May 2022 - Tyndall Asset Management
Whenever stranded assets are mentioned we are likely to conjure the image of a dilapidated oil terminal that no longer has any value attached to it due to alternate fuels or costly environmental regulations. Commercial real estate rarely...
10k Words
2 May 2022 - Equitable Investors
Online sales volumes have retreated in absolute numbers and as a share of total sales as the charts from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the US Census Bureau show. US government bonds are on track to deliver their worst annual...
Gradually, then suddenly
29 Apr 2022 - Novaport Capital
Markets always present a multitude of opportunities and obstacles. However at any given point in time there are only a select few, around which traders coalesce. Commentary and action align to these few factors, which then powerfully drive markets.
Is it time for an overweight allocation to Australian shares?
28 Apr 2022 - Fidante Partners
Thanks to COVID-19 online shopping has catapulted in popularity. Subsequently, so has the Buy Now Pay Later (BPNL) universe. But, with so many BPNL players in the industry, which one do you choose?
The Experience Megatrend
27 Apr 2022 - Insync Fund Managers
Travel. Remember that? Long plane flights, new places, new people, new ways, new sounds. Whilst many of us look forward to travel once more, is it time to invest in travel? At Insync we believe yes but...... it all depends on how and where.



Events Calendar

July 2024
Perpetual Live Webinar | Opportunities in credit markets: A 40-year perspective
25 Jul 2024 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Join one of Australia's most experienced credit and fixed-income managers, Michael Korber.


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