Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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Printed: 04 July 2024 3:16 PM



Companies spearheading disruption hit value territory
13 May 2022 - Loftus Peak
The semiconductor pull-back accelerated in March. Investor concerns centred on slowing demand for consumer electronics in the wake of economic pressures brought on by inflation and interest rate hikes. Severe lockdowns in China related to...
New fund launch & Monthly Report
12 May 2022 - Collins St. Asset Management
With a return of +19% p.a. net since 2016 and a new fund launch, the Collins St. crew are anticipating a good year.
One of the ASX's most impressive stocks
12 May 2022 - Airlie Funds Management
In the search for high-quality businesses that are undervalued, one of the richest hunting grounds is a 'jewel in the crown' scenario, whereby a great business is hidden within a languishing conglomerate.
Big Player - Investment Snapshot
12 May 2022 - Insync Fund Managers
Thanks to COVID-19 online shopping has catapulted in popularity. Subsequently, so has the Buy Now Pay Later (BPNL) universe. But, with so many BPNL players in the industry, which one do you choose?
Seeking predictable returns during economic turmoil
11 May 2022 - Laureola Advisors
In light of rising inflation, many investors are seeking options which combat the trend.
Facts are stubborn, but statistics are more pliable
10 May 2022 -
Measuring a fund manager's performance and value has always involved more than just looking at their headline returns. Some use tracking error to evaluate value, but this article argues that a fund's up and down capture ratio provides a...
Powell seeks 'immaculate disinflation'; one that rids the US of inflation...
10 May 2022 - Magellan Asset Management
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell appeared on March 3 before the Senate Banking Committee and vowed the US central bank would quell inflation running at four-decade highs. "We are going to use our tools," he said. Then came a pointed...
April Review
9 May 2022 - QVG Capital
A look at how flexibility to take advantage of the best ASX opportunities can balance the wins and losses in a turbulent market.
Are Central Banks Tightening Too Late As Inflation Hits 30 To 40 Year Highs?
9 May 2022 - Montgomery Investment Management
David discusses how rising interest rates will impact indebted households and the knock-on-effect. The psychological boost and wealth effect enjoyed from strongly rising house prices will likely be missing in the foreseeable future and...
The Rate Debate - Episode 27
6 May 2022 - Yarra Capital Management
The RBA hikes rates by 25bps, with more set to come in 2022 as Australia's central bank attempts to keep a grip on inflation. With oil and commodity prices set to continue to be at elevated levels due to Russia's war with Ukraine, could a...



Events Calendar

July 2024
Perpetual Live Webinar | Opportunities in credit markets: A 40-year perspective
25 Jul 2024 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Join one of Australia's most experienced credit and fixed-income managers, Michael Korber.


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