25 Aug 2015 - Meme Australian Share Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | The Fund's investment strategy seeks to identify low-risk entry opportunities and then build positions in these stocks. Once established in the portfolio, individual stock holdings are maintained for as long as their long-term upward trend remains intact and while they continue to make positive contributions to portfolio growth. Positions are reduced and ultimately closed out as their trends become exhausted or as their relative long-term performance against the broad market weakens. The Fund believes that longer time frame investments also provide a number of advantages. The effect of false signals and 'noise' which attend shorter term time frames is mitigated by only attending to signals which are confirmed by our longer term assessments. Also, the Fund gains exposure to the more expansive price trends which can last for months and years, allowing dividends and distributions received during this time to further enhance portfolio returns. |
Manager Comments | Number of new investment opportunities arose in July, allowing the Fund to reallocate the cash previously generated, such that the fund is fully invested at month end. Almost all of this new investment is in stocks which lie outside the ASX200. The largest sector increases in the fund were in the Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples and Information Technology sectors. The Fund's rolling 3 month (May to July 2015) return was +2.07% compared to the markets' -0.82%. Click below to read the latest Fund Manager's commentary on the Fund. |
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24 Aug 2015 - Pengana Absolute Return Asia Pacific Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | The Fund will usually hold 40 to 80 positions and will be well diversified across the various event strategies. In keeping with the absolute return focus the Manager will eliminate market risk where appropriate by hedging market and foreign currency risks. Since inception the Fund has averaged a net equity market exposure of ~10%. Sizing of an investment position will depend on the expected risk adjusted returns while taking account the liquidity and volatility of the stock. In addition, the maximum potential loss on any one position should be greater than 0.5% of the NAV and the position should not exceed 30% participation of stressed volume assuming a $200m NAV. Other criteria considered are ability to hedge and the availability of pair candidates as well as the average bid-ask size. For M&A strategies average long position is 3 to 5.5% and average short position 2 to 5%. |
Manager Comments | The deleveraging in China had a significant impact on the onshore equity markets which resulted in contagion into the region requiring state backed intervention in China to support prices. The Fund navigated the volatility by increasing short exposure to hedge their M&A positions exposed to China risk. The Fund ended the month with average net and gross exposure of 11% and 205% respectively. It was the Stubs and Index Futures strategies that contributed positively. However, the Capital Management Corp. and M&A strategies were the largest detractors. The country exposure as percentage (%) of NAV was most in Japan (60.8%), followed by Hong Kong/China (35.3%). Click below to read the complete Fund Manager's Report. |
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22 Aug 2015 - Hedge Clippings
When the going gets tough....
Regular readers of Hedge Clippings will know that our commentary frequently varies from a focus on fund or industry returns. This week however, given the volatility in markets and the uncertainty that prevails, we will take a look at how actively managed funds as a whole have performed in recent times.
Prior to doing so however it's worth just reflecting on some of the factors disappointing markets. Firstly in Australia the reporting season has been less than stellar, with more disappointments evident than surprises to the upside. Elsewhere the overnight news from Greece was probably a surprise, but it's doubtful if anyone outside Greece is taking much notice any more.
China and the USA remain the big issues driving markets, with two big questions arising: Will the Chinese authorities have a Mario Draghi moment and actually come out and declare that they'll do "whatever it takes", or have they already indicated that they'll do so by their actions? Meanwhile in the US we are getting closer and closer to the day when interest rates will finally rise, and this week has shown that while most understand that, when it actually happens there will be a significant impact on the market.
And so back to the performance of absolute return and actively managed funds. There have been plenty of comments in the press over the past few years that as a whole active managers have not performed sufficiently to justify their fees. In somecases that may well have been the case, but it's difficult to outperform in a strongly rising market, while still protecting the downside.
However, it is evident that when markets begin to underperform, or become volatile, absolute return funds come into their own. Over the past 12 months to the end of July the ASX 200 Accumulation Index has risen 5.68%. When one considers that the index includes dividends, the ASX 200 (excluding dividends) has risen just 1.18%.
Over the same 12 month period equity-based funds in AFM's database have risen 13.43% on average, with 63% of funds outperforming the ASX 200 Accumulation Index. Taking June returns by themselves, when the market fell 5.3% funds significantly protected investors' downside, albeit that they also fell 1.88%. That's still an outperformance of almost 3.5 percent, with 85% of all funds outperforming the market.
Specific results received this week include the following PERFORMANCE UPDATES:
FUND REVIEWS released this week: Monash Absolute Investment Fund; Morphic Global Opportunities Fund; Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund
20 - 21 August 2015 - The 2nd Superannuation Fund Investment Operations Forum 2015 is a two day forum providing invaluable technological, regulatory compliant and best practice insights into improving back and middle office efficiency to drive member loyalty, bottom line profitability and a competitive edge
26 - 28 August 2015 - The 15th Annual Wraps, Platforms & Masterfunds Conference will provide solutions for succeeding in a distribution world of endless possibilities, showcasing strategies to help business achieve the biggest bite of market share, use innovation to overcome problems and support opportunities. Australian Fund Monitors is pleased to offer a discount of $300 to all investors and advisors using coupon code promoFM on registration.
17 September 2015 - The 14th Annual Hedge Fund Rock and Australian Hedge Fund Awards 2015 as the industry lets its hair down with some drinks, music and great videos. All proceeds go to Redkite helping childern with cancer and their families.
And Now for Something Completely Different. Koala's are renowned for all sorts of things, but generally for being cute, cuddly and sleepy, I'm told becasue they're stoned on the gum leaves they munch all day. Not this one.
On that note, have a good week-end.
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Tune into Sky Business on Foxtel every week on Monday at 2:15pm for AFM's weekly comment. |
21 Aug 2015 - QATO Capital Market Neutral Long/Short Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | The fund targets a net market exposure of 0% to hedge broader market risks through 30 S&P/ASX-100 positions (15 long and 15 short equally weighted positions). The turnover is generally averaged around 30% of the total portfolio each month. The process is entirely systematic - stock selection and risk management are all employed in a rules based approach. The Market Neutral Long/Short Fund employs no financial leverage, no derivatives and no financial products to imitate leverage. The Investment Manager's three principal investment goals for the Fund are: 1. Market neutral long/short portfolio management with little correlation to equity markets; 2. Over a 3-5 year period, seeking to target annualised volatility of 15% per annum and annualised returns of 15-30% per annum above the Benchmark; Sharpe Ratio 1.0-2.0 and a negative beta to ASX listed equities; and 3. To provide investors with a co-investment opportunity alongside the founding members' investments in the Investment Manager's strategy. |
Manager Comments | In July, the Fund's benchmark, S&P/ASX-100 bounced back after a weak month in June, predominately driven by a strong beta rally in lower quality/higher beta companies. This proved challenging for the Fund's investment style, in particular the Fund's short positions. The long book however performed strongly as the Q-Score process selected a number of large outperformers to the S&P/ASX-100 Index. Click below to read the latest Fund Manager's commentary. |
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21 Aug 2015 - Fund Review: Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund July 2015
Attached is our most recently updated Fund Review on the Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund.
- The Fund is a research driven, market and sector neutral, "pairs" trading strategy investing primarily in large cap stocks from the ASX/S&P100 Index, with over twelve year track record and annualised returns of 17.97%.
- The consistent returns across the investment history indicates the Fund's ability to provide positive returns in volatile and negative markets and significantly outperform the broader market. The Fund's Sharpe Ratio and Sortino Ratio are 1.08 (Index 0.34) and 1.85 (Index 0.38) respectively.
20 Aug 2015 - Aurora Fortitude Absolute Return Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | The Fund aims to produce positive returns irrespective of the direction of the share market. For each investment the manager considers the risk, the timeline of that risk occurring and then the potential return. Low transaction costs and liquidity are other important factors in the success and implementation of the strategies. |
Manager Comments | It was the Yield (+0.27%), Convergence (+0.14%)and Long/Short (+0.11%) trading strategies that provided biggest positive contribution to the portfolio. The Options strategy (-0.07%) initially benefited from continued volatility across miners and banks. Volatility fell dramatically in the second half of the month with the Australian VIX falling -27% to 14.5 by the end of the month. This was an attractive level and the Fund added to volatility positions and increased exposure to this strategy at month end. Click below to read more on the Fund's performance. |
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19 Aug 2015 - Fund Review: Morphic Global Opportunities Fund July 2015
Attached is our most recently updated Fund Review on the Morphic Global Opportunities Fund.
Key points include:
- The Fund is a global equity long/short manager with a long bias and a macro-economic overlay. The mandate allows the Fund to short sell, use derivatives and invest in assets such as commodities & currencies.
- Morphic's philosophy is that only funds with flexible investment and hedging strategies will be able to deliver acceptable, steady, real, absolute returns over the investment cycle.
- The Fund is an early stage, boutique, Sydney-based fund established in 2012 with experienced CIO's, and an investment team of 6 including a risk manager.
- The Board has a majority of independent members with significant risk and investment experience.
For further details on the Fund, please do not hesitate to contact us.
19 Aug 2015 - Optimal Australia Absolute Trust
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | The Fund's bias is likely to be net long under normal market conditions, with the core strategy being to construct a portfolio of listed equity securities priced at levels that do not adequately reflect their underlying value. The Fund will seek to boost returns and limit potential market downside by selective short selling of individual stocks which are priced at levels that are viewed as materially above their underlying value. The Fund will also use certain trading strategies both within its core portfolio (through rebalancing stock weights and overall market exposure in response to price movements) and in certain other situations (typically of a shorter-duration and/or opportunistic nature) with the objective of further increasing returns. |
Manager Comments | The Fund's long positions rose broadly in-line with the market - key performers included a number of financials (AMP, NAB, SUN and WFD) and general industrial. However the short positions were the largest detractors in such a strong market, which proved expensive as a means of heding portfolio risk. The Fund gross exposure was 121.1% and net exposure 2.1%. Click below to read the latest Fund Manager's commentary on the Fund and market outlook. |
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18 Aug 2015 - Bennelong Kardinia Absolute Return Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | The Fund's discretionary investment strategy commences with a macro view of the economy and direction to establish the portfolio's desired market exposure. Following this detailed sector and company research is gathered from knowledge of the individual stocks in the Fund's universe, with widespread use of broker research. Company visits, presentations and discussions with management at CEO and CFO level are used wherever possible to assess management quality across a range of criteria. Detailed analysis of company valuations using financial statements and forecasts, particularly focusing on free cash flow, is conducted. Technical analysis is used to validate the Manager's fundamental research and valuations and to manage market timing. A significant portion of the Fund's overall performance can be attributed to the attention and importance given to the macro economic outlook and the ability and willingness to adjust the Fund's market risk. |
Manager Comments | The Fund's net equity market exposure (including derivatives) of the Fund was progressively increased post the Greek resolution and Chinese support measures to 55.7% (87.1% long and 31.4% short). Westpac, Ramsay Health Care, CSL and Aristocrat were the largest positive contributors, whilst Share Price Futures (hedging long exposures), Costa, Isentia and BHP Billiton were the largest detractors. Click below to read the June 2015 Fund Report. |
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17 Aug 2015 - Fund Review: Monash Absolute Investment Fund July 2015
- The Fund is a research driven, active equity long/short strategy investing in listed ASX companies.
- The Fund seeks to identify opportunities in the share market to make positive returns (long and short) irrespective of market conditions. It is style agnostic, as compelling investment opportunities exist across all investment styles from time to time. The Fund places a high priority on capital preservation, and has an absolute return focus in accepting market risk.