Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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Printed: 04 July 2024 3:28 AM



Media Release
21 Aug 2014 - Chris Gosselin, Australian Fund Monitors
Prism Select has launched with comprehensive information and performance on a range of 14 boutique funds, enabling investors to compare and research each one, while also providing...
Hedge Clippings
15 Aug 2014 - Australian Fund Monitors
This week Hedge Clippings attended the ARRIA Round Table in Sydney. ARRIA, for those not aware of the organisation, stands for the Association of Real Return Investment Advisors and acts as a resource for independent financial advisors...
Hedge Clippings
8 Aug 2014 - Australian Fund Monitors
This week's Clippings is going to attempt to multi-task, (not your scribe's strongest point) or at least cover a number of different topics. Feedback (positive or negative) is welcome.
Hedge Clippings
1 Aug 2014 - Australian Fund Monitors
Closer to home, this week Australian Fund Monitors released two exiting new products, Prism Select and OLIVIA123. OLIVIA stand for "On Line Investor Verification & Interactive Applications". That's a mouthful, so OLIVIA seemed much...
Hedge Clippings
18 Jul 2014 - Australian Fund Monitors
As we are normally at pains to point out, fees are one thing, but net performance drives the bottom line return. Whether net performance, or choice and a preference for being...
Hedge Clippings
11 Jul 2014 - Australian Fund Monitors
As we said last week there has been plenty of rhetoric regarding FoFA, and from our reading of the legislation (for the technically minded the Select Legislative Instrument No. 102, 2014) a fair deal of scaremongering along with it.
Hedge Clippings
4 Jul 2014 - Australian Fund Monitors
This week saw the much discussed changes to FoFA become reality, at the same time as the Senate released its report on poor management controls in the financial planning arm of the Commonwealth Bank
Hedge Clippings
27 Jun 2014 - Australian Fund Monitors
By necessity ASIC likes to pigeonhole products and defines a hedge fund as having two or more of five specific features. However an increasing number of long only or traditional investment products now include one of these, namely charging...
Hedge Clippings
13 Jun 2014 - Australian Fund Monitors
Fridays can be challenging for all sorts of reasons: Sadly, but probably sensibly, the long lunch is a thing of the past. Nowadays a fair proportion of my Fridays are spent trawling through an assortment of manager's monthly performance...
Hedge Clippings
30 May 2014 - Australian Fund Monitors
Having given the Treasurer a break in last week's Hedge Clippings, we're going to do the same again this week. After all this missive is called "Hedge Clippings", not "Head Kickings", and however tempting, there's not much that we can add...



Events Calendar

July 2024
Perpetual Live Webinar | Opportunities in credit markets: A 40-year perspective
25 Jul 2024 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Join one of Australia's most experienced credit and fixed-income managers, Michael Korber.


Australian Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
A.C.N. 122 226 724
AFSL 324476
Email: [email protected]