Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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Printed: 04 July 2024 1:21 AM



Hedge Clippings - 23 November, 2018
23 Nov 2018 - Australian Fund Monitors
Just because a problem is obvious it doesn't mean it's going to be solved. There is a chorus of negative possibilities currently doing the rounds. This week Hedge Clippings gives an overview of some of the problems facing the Australian...
Hedge Clippings - 16 November, 2018
16 Nov 2018 - Australian Fund Monitors
Markets remain tough. China is slowing ahead of the tariffs kicking in at 25% in January, the UK is anything but a United Kingdom, valuations are stretched, banks are tightening credit, the ASX is back to levels of 12 months ago, and...
Hedge Clippings - 09 November, 2018
9 Nov 2018 - Australian Fund Monitors
In October, global equity markets reflected investors' concerns, with the S&P500 falling -6.84% and flowing through to the ASX200, which also dropped -6.05% for the month. Meanwhile, to nobody's surprise the RBA kept rates on hold, saving...
Hedge Clippings - 02 November, 2018
2 Nov 2018 - Australian Fund Monitors
Hedge Clippings was in Melbourne earlier this week, and amongst other things attended Super Ratings' Annual Superannuation Fund Conference and Awards...
Hedge Clippings - 26 October, 2018
26 Oct 2018 - Australian Fund Monitors
Market volatility is back with a vengeance, so it's worth looking at two lesser used analytical tools - up and down capture ratios...
Hedge Clippings - 19October, 2018
19 Oct 2018 - Australian Fund Monitors
For a moment this week it looked as if investors were going to ignore the market volatility of the past week or so, but overnight the US market put paid to that.
Hedge Clippings - 12 October, 2018
12 Oct 2018 - Australian Fund Monitors
For the last six months we have been warning our investors that the end was nigh for the US bull market which has appreciated by a colossal +423% for the S&P500 TR index from 6 March 2009 to 21 September 2018...
Hedge Clippings, 5 October, 2018
5 Oct 2018 - Australian Fund Monitors
The Hayne Royal Commission doesn't need extending - the sooner the final recommendations are delivered - and implemented - the better.
Hedge Clippings, 28 September, 2018
28 Sep 2018 - Australian Fund Monitors
The release of the Hayne Royal Commission's Interim Report earlier today didn't pull any punches - but then neither did it create that many surprises given the evidence presented over the past six months.
Hedge Clippings - 21 September, 2018
21 Sep 2018 - Australian Fund Monitors
For the past two weeks the HRC has been focussed on the insurance sector and it wasn't pretty. Today's witness, Sally Loane, CEO of the FSC, was left to defend the indefensible.



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July 2024
Perpetual Live Webinar | Opportunities in credit markets: A 40-year perspective
25 Jul 2024 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Join one of Australia's most experienced credit and fixed-income managers, Michael Korber.


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