Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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Printed: 08 July 2024 1:16 PM



Performance Report: The Airlie Australian Share Fund
2 Nov 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
The Airlie Australian Share Fund returned -3.42% in September, to take 12 month performance to -2.93% against a loss of -10.21% for the ASX200 Total Return Index.
Hedge Clippings | 30 October 2020
30 Oct 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
Next Tuesday - well, it will actually be Wednesday in Australia - the world as we've known it for the past 4 years or so will have changed, or not as the case may be. In any event, the US election will be all over bar the shouting, and...
Performance Report: Sandon Capital Activist Fund
30 Oct 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
The Sandon Capital Activists Fund returned -0.24% over the past 12 months, outperforming the ASX200 Accumulation Index by +9.97%. Since inception in September 2009, the Fund has returned +10.73% p.a. vs the Index's annualised return of +6.86%.
Webinar: Fund Manager Roundtable on the US Election
29 Oct 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
The US election is currently front and centre in the media - as it should be given that the outcome will shape the world for the next four years and beyond. Much of the focus is on the incumbents themselves, and much on the political...
Performance Report: Bennelong Twenty20 Australian Equities Fund
29 Oct 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
The Bennelong Twenty20 Australian Equities Fund rose +3.65% over the September quarter, outperforming the ASX200 Accumulation Index by +4.09%. Since inception in November 2009, the Fund has returned +9.55% p.a. vs the Index's annualised...
The Presidential Volatility Kink
28 Oct 2020 - Marcel von Pfyffer
The US share market is the biggest in the world, accounting for 60% of total market capitalization. (The Australian share market is only 2%.) Therefore, when investors in the US are getting scared, the rest of the world sits up and pays attention.
Performance Report: Gyrostat Absolute Return Income Equity Fund
28 Oct 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
The Gyrostat Absolute Return Income Equity Fund rose +0.71% in September, taking 12-month performance to +7.11%. Since inception in December 2010, the Fund has returned +4.78% p.a. with an annualised volatility of 4.28%.
Performance Report: Australian Eagle Trust Long-Short Fund
28 Oct 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
The Australian Eagle Long Short Fund's September return was broadly in line with the ASX200 Accumulation Index's -3.66%, while strongly outperforming by 15.3% over the past year deleivering investors a return of 5.11% vs the market's -10.21%.
Performance Report: Montgomery Small Companies Fund
27 Oct 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
The Montgomery Small Companies Fund rose +11.92% over the September quarter vs the ASX200 Accumulation Index's -0.44%. Since inception in October 2019, the Fund has returned +15.63% vs the Index's -10.21%.
Performance Report: Laureola Investment Fund
27 Oct 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
Laureola's Life Settlements fund continued its track record of 89 out of 90 positive returns with a positive 0.4% for the month, 11.3% over 12 months and 8% YTD, against the backdrop of increased market volatility and the COVID pandemic.



Events Calendar

July 2024
Perpetual Live Webinar | Opportunities in credit markets: A 40-year perspective
25 Jul 2024 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Join one of Australia's most experienced credit and fixed-income managers, Michael Korber.


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