7 Apr 2013 - Meet the Manager - InSync - now closed
Last year we hosted a series of lunch presentations entitled "Understanding Hedge Funds" which provided investors with a more balanced view on the sector than is sometimes portrayed in the media. Following feedback from a number of our guests we also organised briefings and presentations for a small group of investors to "meet the manager" and hear from individual fund managers in person.
Our next "Meet the Manager" briefing is with Monik Kotecha from Insync Funds Management on Wednesday 10 April 2013.
Monik's fund, the Insync Global Titans Fund, invests in a concentrated portfolio of large cap global stocks with a focus on those companies that can consistently grow dividends and earn high returns on invested capital. The latest copy of our Research Review of the Fund is here.
Monik will share his views of the market and the opportunities and risks which lie ahead. Having just returned from the UK and meeting many leading multinational companies he will also be able to provide an update on the global trends and observations they provided.
If you are interested in attending this Meet the Manager briefing, please reply by email and we will send you confirmation of your registration and inform you of the Sydney city venue.
Wednesday 10 April 2013 at midday
Sydney city venue to be advised
RSVP by Thursday 4 April 2013

23 Jan 2013 - New hedge fund bucks trend with fees cut
One of the UK's fastest-growing hedge funds is slashing its fees, in a move that it hopes will spark a rethink of the industry's notoriously high charges.
The new Core Macro fund being set up by Cambridge-based Cantab Capital will employ similar trading strategies as funds from Man Group, Winton Capital and BlueCrest, three of the world's biggest hedge funds that manage $100bn between them, but at half the cost to investors.
While the industry standard is an eye-watering "two and 20", or 2 per cent of all capital invested annually and 20 per cent of all profits, Cantab's new fund levies only 0.5 per cent and 10 per cent.
Fees are set to become one of the hedge fund industry's biggest areas of change as large institutional investors try to use their clout to force discounts in a tough trading environment that has dented hedge funds' once-high returns.
"We are seeing a substantial increase in institutional allocators investing directly in hedge funds and they are typically the most fee-sensitive," said Daniel Caplan, European head of global prime finance at Deutsche Bank. "A key focus is not paying for returns that are purely correlated to market moves - investors can access that more cost-effectively elsewhere."
Many hedge funds continue staunchly to resist lowering charges, argue that lower fees equate to lower quality. Man Group, Winton Capital and BlueCrest declined to comment.
Cantab's new fund, and those from the other three, belong to a class of quantitative funds called trend followers, which use computer algorithms to spot and trade on trends across different markets, and collectively manage around $330bn in assets, according to BarclayHedge.
Ewan Kirk, Cantab's founder, believes investors are being overcharged by many big quant funds. The trading strategies they provide can be delivered for lower costs, he said: "This is potentially a game changer," the ex-astrophysicist told the Financial Times. "It's like when Vanguard came out with the first index trackers."
Established large trend following funds point out that they invest considerably in constantly refining and tweaking their models to stay ahead of new competitors and ensure investors get what they pay for.
Click here to read the entire article from Sam Jones in London,
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Australian Fund Monitors (AFM) provides the most comprehensive source of data and information on Absolute Return, Hedge Funds and Alternative Investments in Australia.
Performance and Industry News will be updated weekly. We are also releasing a series of videos on Understanding Hedge Funds, with Fund Manager interviews to be added to the video showcase in 2013. Please watch the first video, which explains what a Hedge Fund actually is, by clicking here.
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AFM provides basic factual and performance information on each Fund, with the description of each Manager and their Funds' Strategy provided by the fund manager, or documentation provided by the fund manager. At the time of listing each Manager is requested to confirm their information and that they hold an appropriate and current Australian Financial Services Licence for any fund listed.
More detailed information on individual Managers and Funds, with historical results, key performance indicators, and the ability to save funds to a Watch List is restricted to Subscribers only. Please register prior to subscribing.
Enjoy your Summer holidays!
We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our visitors and clients a very merry Christmas and safe and happy holiday season. We look forward to a prosperous 2013!
SINGAPORE: Hedge fund managers said industry consolidation and increased regulatory oversight wit
4 Dec 2012 - Asian hedge fund industry faces challenges ahead
SINGAPORE: Hedge fund managers said industry consolidation and increased regulatory oversight with accompanying costs are the top two challenges facing the industry in the next one to two years.
This is according to a pool of 100 hedge fund managers interviewed by accounting firm, Ernst and Young.
Read the entire article here.
1 Feb 2011 - AFM's E5 Model Equity Portfolio returns +2.81% in December 2010
AFM's E5 Model Equity Portfolio, which tracks the performance of 5 equally weighted funds investing in Australian equities, returned 2.81% in December to bring 12 month performance to 9.78% and an annualised performance since inception of 15.26% with volatility of just 5.69%.
December's results were positive from all underlying funds, with returns ranging from +0.77% through to +6.84% from Herschel's Absolute Return Fund, to take their annualised performance since inception in May 2006 to +16.75%.
To view the Portfolio's performance details, click here
22 Aug 2008 - Outlook for Platinum loses its shine
Platinum Asset Management has seen its funds under management fall by $6.2 billion, or almost 30 per cent, over the year to the end of June 2008. The fund manager cites volatility in global markets and world financial conditions generally as the cause for a drop in its net profit after tax from $186.1 million in 2007 to $161.9 million for 2008.
Performance fees generated by the company's funds fell 23.8 per cent to $28.7 million while management fees fell in line with the lower total funds under management. The Chairman's report also warns that it is possible that no performance fees will be earned over the next six months. Performance fees are calculated over the calendar year and, although the funds are outperforming their benchmarks, the performance of all funds over the first six months of the year is -9%.
21 Aug 2008 - Absolute manager riding out tough times
Absolute return fund manager HFA Holdings has recorded net inflows of $535.41 million over the 2007/08 financial year at the same time as long only fund manager Perpetual announced that it had net outflows of $3.5 billion.
Increased volatility in financial markets has investors turning from traditional fund managers in favour of alternative investments which have a stronger focus on capital preservation. Recent analysis by Australian Fund Monitors found that, on average, absolute return funds lost 3.64 per cent over the first half of 2008, however the ASX fell 21.56 per cent and the S&P 500 was down 14.72 per cent.
HFA Holdings reported a 73 per cent increase in net profit after tax to $35.2 million for the year to June 2008. The result was largely due to its purchase of US-based Lighthouse Investment Partners which boosted management fee income although performance fees were down in line with market conditions.

2 Feb 0202 - How high can government debt-to-GDP ratios soar?
How high can government debt-to-GDP ratios soar? Magellan Asset Management January 2022 The 'IMF crisis' is judged the worst event to have hit South Korea since the civil war of 1950-53. The rest of the world knows this financial upheaval as the 'Asia crisis' of 1997. The mismatch is because South Koreans, perhaps ungratefully, focus on the damage after the International Monetary Fund bailed out a country tormented by a currency-turned-banking crisis.[1] The then-record IMF package of US$58 billion dollars was laced with conditions. One was austerity. As government support shrank, South Korea's economy shrivelled 5.1% in 1998 while the jobless rate sprang to 7.0% from 2.1% pre-crisis (1996).[2] The contraction, however, was fleeting. South Korea's economy rebounded in 1999 (expanding 11.9%) and grew every year until the covid-19 pandemic struck in 2020. The jobless rate fell to 3.3% by 2002 and has been 3.something% ever since. Yet the crisis scarred South Koreans. Even though (at 10% of GDP in 1997) public borrowing provided no fuel for the upheaval, one legacy was a consensus that Seoul must not let gross government debt exceed 40% of output.[3] No longer. The government of President Moon Jae-in in August announced a budget for 2022 that vowed to use fiscal stimulus to counter the damage of the pandemic and, more broadly, fight poverty and inequality. Government spending is forecast to expand 8.3% in 2022. Public debt is expected to climb to 50.2% of GDP by next year and reach 59% by 2025, from 36% of output when Moon took office in 2017.[4] And why not let government borrowing rip? Does anyone care that government debt-to-GDP ratios (however imperfectly measured) are higher than seemed possible because interest rates are so low? US government debt is now at 103% of GDP.[5] Eurozone public debt is at a near-record 98.3% of output (where the record is 100.0%). France (114%), Greece (207%) Spain (123%), Italy (156%) and Portugal (135%) make a mockery of the suspended legal limit of 60%; even zero-deficit-by-law-pandemic-excepted Germany (70%) exceeds the legal ceiling.[6] While Australia's federal debt is only headed to 50% of GDP by 2025,[7] Japan's public debt stands at an astonishing 257% of GDP. Public debt in emerging markets extends to a record 64% of output. Brazil (91%), China (69%) and India (91%) exceed the average as do Latin American countries overall (73%). The IMF estimates 'general' government debt now reaches a record 99% of global output, from 83% in 2016.[8] An overarching question, especially when governments are relying on fiscal policy to fight this pandemic and linked economic crisis, is: At what level might public debt become disruptive? A debt crisis would erupt if investors assessed any country were unable to meet its debt repayments. They would baulk at buying, even holding, its bonds. Bond yields would soar, adding to the debt burden, while the country's currency would plunge, which is damaging if debts are denominated in foreign currencies. History is replete with examples of when excessive debt triggered a crisis, from an inflationary economic collapse to endless stagnation ('Japanification'). The role excessive debt played in the fall of the Ottoman and British empires shows it comes with global political implications. So, too, does China's 'debt-trap diplomacy' (that echoes US meddling in Latin America) where Beijing gains sway over emerging countries by giving them loans they can't repay. Governments have three standard ways to tackle their debt burdens. (A fourth would be asset sales, a fifth, conquest and a sixth, reparations.) The first conventional cure is to raise taxes and reduce spending. The UK in September became the first major country to raise taxes to cover covid-19 debt when it lifted payroll taxes.[9] More countries will follow. The handbrake here is that austerity is often politically fraught and can undermine economies so much it might backfire - such an outcome occurs if an economic contraction worsens debt ratios. A second, and the most appealing, option is to ensure economies flourish in a way that erodes real debt burdens over time - this is how the winners reduced their bills after World War II. The formula is to ensure nominal output (GDP unadjusted for inflation) grows at a higher rate than the average interest rate on public debt - a historic norm.[10] A variation on this recipe is that debts will be manageable if inflation-adjusted interest repayments stay below 2% of GDP for the foreseeable future.[11] Over the pandemic, these formulas were met because interest rates were around record lows partly due to central-bank asset purchases.[12] A repeat of the post-World War II drawdown - Washington's debt fell from a record 106.1% of GDP in 1946 to 23% of output in 1974[13] - will be hard because back then pent-up demand, low regulation, favourable demographics and free trade drove economies, huge multi-decade-long advantages that no longer prevail. Still, within this option, governments can choose to allow some inflation and supress interest rates. The benefit of this approach is that rising nominal GDP growth offers governments tax windfalls via higher nominal business profits and by pushing individuals into higher tax brackets. Post-war governments practised 'financial repression' to prevent market forces setting the price of money. But capital controls, fixed-exchange rates, curbed bank lending and ceilings on interest rates would entail a U-turn from the liberalised bent of the past four decades. Low rates would only encourage companies and consumers to add to their record debt loads that come primed with risks too. Permitting inflation is tricky. Officials might lose control of prices if they print too much money and 'debase the coinage' because that comes with economic and political problems.[14] Interest rates would rise if inflation were to accelerate in a durable way, which hampers economies and adds to repayment burdens. Governments would be tempted to pressure central banks not to raise rates, as US presidents Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon did to help pay for the Vietnam war. But that would demolish central-bank independence to fight inflation, perhaps the economic policy most responsible for recent prosperity. The other option is to default (and any 'restructuring' is technically a default). When it comes to advanced countries, Japan's debt ratio shows countries with national currencies can rely on their central banks to stave off default for a long time. But, while no defaults in such advanced countries are imminent (now that a fight over the US debt ceiling has been settled for another 12 months), their governments can't boost debt forever. Pressure will mount for authorities to control debt ratios to stop ratings downgrades, perhaps even engage in accounting tricks. Central banks could do this by cancelling the government debt they have bought under quantitative-easing programs.[15] Treasury departments could print trillion-dollar coins.[16] Eurozone governments with high debt ratios are more vulnerable to default because they lack their own currencies. Yet any default could bring down the European Monetary System. More crises around Greece, Italy and perhaps eventually France and Spain that threaten mayhem are likely, especially if bond yields rise after the European Central Bank stops its asset buying. Emerging countries, which are inherently less stable economically and politically, are most likely to default. The candidates are many - the IMF in December estimated that 60% of low-income countries are at "high risk or already in debt distress" compared with 30% in 2015.[17] Emerging countries that have borrowed in foreign currency (a diminishing percentage) and ones that have borrowed from foreigners rather than locals are the most at risk. For indebted advanced and emerging countries, a world of record government debt could soon enough be a realm of hard choices and one of sporadic crises. As the debt status quo appears unsustainable, any rise in US interest rates will signal trouble ahead. To be clear, government debt proved its worth during the pandemic and there's nothing risky with it per se especially when governments borrow in local currency from locals. Sovereign bonds are a useful financial asset that institutions hold for regulatory reasons. Debt allows governments to spread the cost of capital goods across time. A desire to sell debt forces countries to be creditworthy. Debt is a Keynesian tool for managing the economy. The flaw here, however, is that few governments post budget surpluses and debt must be repaid sometime. As Japan shows, debt-to-GDP ratios can climb far higher than thought possible without any obvious damage to an economy. It's true too that few indebted governments are struggling to sell debt at low rates. But, at some point, rising debt would trigger steeper borrowing costs and puncture the complacency that public debts are manageable because interest rates are low. History shows that public debt ushers in its nemesis; higher interest rates. That reckoning one indeterminant day likely means a harsher, poorer, perhaps crisis-prone future awaits. The likely trouble spots On November 30, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said the central bank's asset-buying program might end "a few months earlier" than its scheduled finish in mid-2022 and that it was "probably a good time to retire that word" [transitory] when describing faster inflation.[18] A report two weeks later showed US consumer prices rose 6.8% in the 12 months to November, the most since 1982. On January 5, by when the Fed had halved its pandemic asset buying to US$60 billion a month, minutes from the Fed's policy-setting meeting showed the central bank was thinking of raising the US cash rate "sooner or at a faster pace" than expected.[19] In Europe on January 7, a report showed eurozone inflation reached 5% in 2021. This fresh record high for the euro area flags the end of the European Central Bank's ultra-loose monetary policy that includes ample purchases of government debt. If the ECB trims, even slashes, its bond purchases, the eurozone's indebted countries will have lost their 'lender of last resort', a term that describes the emergency role that governments can play in countries with bespoke currencies and central banks. By acting as a buyer of its own debt in the absence of other buyers, governments can ensure they won't default on their obligations - though they generally can't avoid an economic crisis as severe as if they had reneged on their repayments. When the ECB reduces, even ends, its asset buying, global bond investors are likely to reprice eurozone sovereign debts according to a country's theoretical ability to repay. 'Lo spread' as the Italians dub the premium on Italian government debt over German bunds, to cite just one example, could well rise to troubling levels. The euro's lack of a supportive fiscal, banking and political union could inevitably lead to more debt crises and bailouts aka those of the 2010s that cast doubt on the single currency's viability. Whatever is happening in the eurozone, emerging markets are likely to more threatened by what the Fed does to global interest rates and what that might mean for the value of the US dollar. A worry is that in 2019 the IMF and World Bank assessed the world's emerging countries were already "at high risk of or already in debt distress" at the end of 2019.[20] Now average gross government debt in emerging markets is up by almost 10 percentage points since 2019 (with large variations around that average).[21] Emerging countries were vulnerable to a financial crisis pre-pandemic because many turned (once again) to borrowing after the global financial crisis. The debts of the 111 low- and middle-income countries more than doubled from US$600 billion in 2008 to US$1.3 trillion by 2018. Over the 10 years, interest plus principal repayments jumped from US$47 billion to US $117 billion.[22] Some worried that the sporadic debt holidays of 2020 - a reneging on debt repayments - could undermine trust in emerging countries and boost risk premiums on their bonds. But, even if continued, they are unlikely to be enough to prevent more developing countries defaulting - Zambia in November 2020 became the first country to default post covid-19.[23] The worry is that emerging countries are inherently riskier investments. They typically have unstable political systems and poor institutions, ones that lack capable and trustworthy bureaucracies. Governments struggle to raise adequate tax revenues, which is why they turn to borrowing. Public finances are often murky. Rule of law is sporadic. The judiciary lacks independence. The media is hobbled. Many rulers have usurped power or have gamed the democratic process to cement their rule. Their subjects identify more with tribal, religious, ethnic or cultural groups than with countries created by colonial powers that lack national unity. The poor institutions, murky politics and tribal allegiances allow corruption to thrive. Economic risks include that emerging countries often rely on a few primary exports. They are thus vulnerable to a drop in the prices of the commodities that earn their foreign exchange. Many are net food importers and their local produce is vulnerable to harsh weather (climate change). While emerging governments these days borrow more in local currency, they are still reliant to a large extent on foreign investors buying their bonds. Default risks are heightened if the investments are short term, thereby requiring constant debt renewal at inauspicious times. It's true that emerging countries, which typically posted higher growth rates than advanced ones, have taken steps to boost their financial stability that averted financial catastrophes at the start of the pandemic. They have built up foreign reserves in recent times to protect their currency regimes. Their central banks are prepared to engage in unconventional steps such as quantitative easing to protect government debt. In March and April last year, for instance, central banks of 14 emerging countries including those of India, Indonesia and Mexico announced bond-buying programs.[24] But many emerging countries have been hard hit by covid-19 in terms of deaths and lost income, especially from absent tourists. Policymakers are aware emerging countries are at risk, especially that their debts tie their fate to rich world monetary policies.[25] Yet the world lacks a global rules-based system for managing such default shocks, something the policymakers at the IMF and UN have investigated without solving.[26] If a government defaults now, only the parties involved sort out an agreement under New York or English law that may involve write-offs, loan extensions, grace periods and rate reductions, even if the negotiations are supervised by the IMF, which is conflicted if it's a creditor. Such an ad-hoc system (compared with US court-overseen corporate or municipal defaults) favours developed over emerging countries and rarely resets a country's financial position onto a sustainable path. The typical result is a country doomed to sporadic crises and economic devastation. Greece's torment of the 2010s, when it underwent three bailouts, serves as a prime example of how a country becomes an investor pariah. Argentina's nine defaults since 1827 offers another.[27] But not industrialised and OECD-belonging South Korea, even if the people there still wince at the acronym, IMF. Written By Michael Collins, Investment Specialist |
Funds operated by this manager: Magellan Global Fund (Hedged), Magellan Global Fund (Open Class Units) ASX:MGOC, Magellan High Conviction Fund, Magellan Infrastructure Fund, Magellan Infrastructure Fund (Unhedged), MFG Core Infrastructure Fund [1] See 'The 1997-98 Korean financial crisis: causes, policy response and lessons.' Speech by Kim Kihwan, Chair of the Seoul Finance Forum, International Advisor to Goldman Sachs and Chair of the Korea National Committee for the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council, at the High-Level Seminar on Crisis Prevention in Emerging Markets organised by the IMF and the government of Singapore. 2006. [2] IMF figures for Korea's economy from the World Economic Outlook Database. October 2021. The IMF's definition of gross debt consists of all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest to a creditor at some future point. [3] IMF estimates, the fairest international comparison, even if lagged, place Korean general government at just above 40% since 2015 and score it at a peak of 42% of GDP in 2019. [4] Reuters. 'South Korea drafts aggressive spending plan for 2022, taking government debt to 50% of GDP.' 31 August 2021. [5] Congressional Budget Office. 'An update to the budget and economic outlook: 2021 to 2031.' 1 July 2021. Within 10 years, half Washington's forecasted budget deficit is expected to go on debt repayments. See Congressional Budget Office. Presentation. 'An overview of the 2021 long-term budget outlook.' 20 May 2021. [6] Figures as at 30 June 2021, where the eurozone debt record was set on 31 March 2021. Eurostat release. 'Government debt down to 98.3% of GDP in euro area.' 22 October 2021. [7] Parliament of Australia. Budget review 2021-22. 'Commonwealth debt.' Net debt is projected to reach 41% of output by 2025. [8] IMF 'Fiscal monitor.' October 2021. See Table 1.2 'General government debt, 2016-26.' Chapter 1. Page 9. Record for emerging markets can be confirmed from the World Economic Outlook Database. October 2021 (op cit). [9] BBC. 'Boris Johnson outlines new 1.25% health and social care tax to pay for reforms.' 7 September 2021. [10] See Olivier Blanchard. 'Public debt and low interest rates.' Working paper 19-4. February 2019. He responds to criticism of the paper here: 'Why critics of a more relaxed attitude on public debt are wrong.' 15 July 2019. [11] See Jason Furman and Lawrence Summers. 'A reconsideration of fiscal policy in the era of low interest rates.' Discussion draft. 30 November 2020. [12] IMF. 'Fiscal monitor.' October 2021. Chapter 2. 'Strengthening the credibility of public finances.' Page 17. [13] Congressional Budget Office. 'Federal debt: A primer.' See 'Data underlying figures.' 12 March 2020. [14] Higher prices impede economies through 'menu' or mark-up costs, the 'shoe leather' cost as shoppers search for lower prices, relative price distortions and tax distortions against savings income and 'bracket creep' on wages. Inflation redistributes wealth from creditors to debtors, from people of fixed incomes to those on flexible (indexed) incomes, from consumers to producers. Profiteers tend to flourish along with populists. [15] See Mark Dowding. 'BlueBay CIO: It's time to think about debt cancellation.' 4 January 2021. [16] See ABC News (US). 'Is minting a $1 trillion platinum coin the answer to the debt limit crisis?' 8 October 2021. [17] IMF Blog. 'The G20 common framework for debt treatments must be stepped up.' 2 December 2021. [18] Bloomberg News. 'Powell weighs earlier end to bond tapering amid hot inflation.' 30 November 2021. [19] Federal Reserve. 'Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee. 14 to 15 December 2021.' 5 January 2022. [20] International Development Association, IMF. 'The evolution of public debt vulnerabilities in lower income countries.' 2 January 2020. Page 2. [21] IMFBlog. 'Emerging economies must prepare for Fed policy tightening.' 10 January 2022. [22] Centre for Economic Policy Research. 'Averting catastrophic debt crises in developing country extraordinary challenges calls for extraordinary measures.' CEPR Policy Insight No 104. July 2020. [23] Geopolitical Monitor. 'Zambia becomes first post-covid debt default.' 17 November 2020. Most sovereign bond contracts do not include automatic force majeure protection that allows contracts to be broken due to unforeseen circumstances such as a pandemic. [24] Adam Tooze. 'Shutdown. How covid shook the world's economy.' Allen Lane. 2021. Page 164. [25] To reduce the risk, many partial solutions are offered to avoid steep defaults. US economist Joseph Stiglitz, for instance, argues for mechanisms such as 'voluntary sovereign-debt buybacks' that proved effective in Latin America in the 1990s and during the Greek crises of the 2010s. "They have the advantage of avoiding the harsh terms that typically come with debt swaps," Stiglitz argues. A buyback program under IMF oversight would aim to reduce debt burdens by securing significant discounts on the face value of sovereign bonds and by minimising exposure to risky private creditors, Stiglitz says. Such programs could advance health, climate and other goals by requiring that beneficiary governments spend the money that otherwise would have gone to debt service on creating public goods. See Centre for Economic Policy Research. Op cit. [26] See IMFBlog. 'Time is ripe for innovation in the world of sovereign debt restructuring.' 19 November 2020. See also United Nations. 'The commission of experts of the president of the UN General Assembly on reforms of the international monetary and financial system.' 2009. [27] Bloomberg. 'One country, nine defaults: Argentina is caught in a vicious cycle.' 11 September 2019. Important Information: This material has been delivered to you by Magellan Asset Management Limited ABN 31 120 593 946 AFS Licence No. 304 301 ('Magellan') and has been prepared for general information purposes only and must not be construed as investment advice or as an investment recommendation. This material does not take into account your investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs. This material does not constitute an offer or inducement to engage in an investment activity nor does it form part of any offer documentation, offer or invitation to purchase, sell or subscribe for interests in any type of investment product or service. You should read and consider any relevant offer documentation applicable to any investment product or service and consider obtaining professional investment advice tailored to your specific circumstances before making any investment decision. A copy of the relevant PDS relating to a Magellan financial product or service may be obtained by calling +61 2 9235 4888 or by visiting Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results and no person guarantees the future performance of any strategy, the amount or timing of any return from it, that asset allocations will be met, that it will be able to be implemented and its investment strategy or that its investment objectives will be achieved. This material may contain 'forward-looking statements'. Actual events or results or the actual performance of a Magellan financial product or service may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements. This material may include data, research and other information from third party sources. Magellan makes no guarantee that such information is accurate, complete or timely and does not provide any warranties regarding results obtained from its use. This information is subject to change at any time and no person has any responsibility to update any of the information provided in this material. Statements contained in this material that are not historical facts are based on current expectations, estimates, projections, opinions and beliefs of Magellan. Such statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, and undue reliance should not be placed thereon. Any trademarks, logos, and service marks contained herein may be the registered and unregistered trademarks of their respective owners. This material and the information contained within it may not be reproduced, or disclosed, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Magellan. |

17 Jan 0202 - Four ways to massively improve performance in 2022
Four ways to massively improve performance in 2022 Wealthlander Active Investment Specialist 07 January 2022 We observe many investors with poor performance despite strong markets in the last few years. Here are some ideas to help you address this in 2022. 1. Acknowledge the reality of your performance to date Acknowledging the reality of this means accepting you're not using the best investment approach out there and there are better investment options than you struggling to be your own portfolio manager - or relying on those who don't deliver and untrustworthy people or institutions that often charge fees for delivering ordinary returns. It means recognising that genuine expertise is worth finding and paying for and that it can add much more value and manage risk better than you have been doing. 2. Get rid of your under-performing broker or adviser There is a big advantage to being invested in a fund where the fund is the only source of revenue for the firm. Firstly, the performance is clear, known, real and routinely calculated and produced by a third party, and secondly, the firm should only be remunerated by you the client and not have its main source of business being something that is using your money for some other benefit. Ideally there is a clear alignment with the firm's principals invested in the fund themselves and paid mainly on performance, and not for asset gathering through having large amounts of assets or large base management fees. That way, you actually have a much better chance of performing and can easily track your performance. Some advisers are competent but many are not, and many trap their clients into convenient but perennially under-performing investment approaches. Few are out there looking how to do a better job for their clients by having them invested with the best boutique investment managers globally. Some invest their wholesale clients in the same assets as their retail clients for their own ease of business, when they should be invested differently to take advantage of all the benefits that wholesale investors have. 3. Think outside the square 4. Acknowledge the investment cycle This means single digit returns from here are much more likely than double digit returns (at best). And that risk management is now much more important to reduce the increased risk of large losses if valuations revert to longer term averages or inflationary pressures persist forcing a tightening in central bank policies. Hence, it makes more sense to move to investment approaches with good prospective returns, better inflation protection, and much better protection from large losses than simply being long only and loaded with equity and property risk. In fact, locking in high returns by reducing equity and property investments in favour of alternative strategies means that the abnormal gains of the last few years become permanent capital gains, protecting your wealth against the risk of large losses from market falls. In summary Step 1: Measure your performance across your entire portfolio in 2021 and be honest with yourself. If you are in a position where some of your investments have delivered little then avoid hope as a strategy or being frozen or convinced into doing nothing. Cutting your losers is a good strategy. Step 2: Assess the value that has been added by your current broker or adviser relationships and stop using under-performers as these relationships are meant to add value to your bottom line, otherwise you are paying them for nothing or for treating you as a fool. Many of us are mistakenly loyal to long held relationships with sweet talkers that simply aren't in our interests. Step 3: Investigate alternative investment offers as there are many out there that are available to wholesale investors which better align with common investor objectives than traditional investment approaches. Step 4: Consider the investment cycle and ask yourself is this an environment where you think you can realistically continue using the same approach to achieve your desired returns. If not then consider alternative approaches better suited to today's investment prospects and risks. There are many simple things you can do to protect your hard-earned capital and still make money, even in a more adverse investment environment. Acknowledging the realities above is a crucial step in getting there. Funds operated by this manager: |