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22 Mar 2021 - Performance Report: Montgomery Small Companies Fund

By: Australian Fund Monitors

Report Date22 March 2021
ManagerMontgomery Investment Management Pty Ltd
Fund NameMontgomery Small Companies Fund
StrategyEquity Long
Latest Return DateFebruary 2021
Latest Return4.52%
Latest 6 Months10.07%
Latest 12 Months37.98%
Latest 24 Months (pa)
Annualised Since Inception20.39%
Inception Date20 September 2019
FUM (millions)AU$66.5
Fund OverviewThe Montgomery Small Companies Fund aims to outperform the S&P/ ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index over a rolling five-year period, typically investing in a portfolio of 30 to 50 companies listed on the ASX (outside the top 100) and NZX. The Investment Manager seeks high quality, undervalued small and emerging companies with strong growth potential.

Montgomery Lucent, a joint venture between Lucent Capital Partners and Montgomery Investment Management, is the investment manager of the Fund. Lucent Capital Partners is owned by its founders Gary Rollo and Dominic Rose. Gary and Dominic have worked together for three years as at February 2020 and have a combined three decades of portfolio management and equities research experience.

The manager is able to invest up to 10% of the portfolio in pre-IPO opportunities. They search for companies likely to benefit from secular trends, industry change and with substantial competitive advantages. Cash typically ranges around 10%.
Manager CommentsThe Montgomery Small Companies Fund rose +4.52% in February, outperforming the ASX200 Accumulation Index by +3.52% and taking 12-month performance to +37.98% vs the Index's +6.48%. Since inception in October 2019, the Fund has risen +20.39% p.a. vs the Index's +2.74%. The Fund's up-capture and down-capture ratios (since inception), 156.42% and 88.65% respectively, highlight its capacity to outperform in both rising and falling markets.

The largest positive contributors for February included Aeris Resources (ASX:AIS), EML Payments (ASX:EML) and Uniti Group (ASX:UWL). The largest detractors from performance included GWA Group (ASX:GWA), NRW Holdings (ASX:NWH) and Ramelius Resources (ASX:RMS).

Montgomery's central case is that markets will observe a vaccine rollout-driven acceleration of economic activity in most Western Economies over the next 6 months. They expect that the release of pent-up demand into certain ravaged sectors specifically and a wave of relief translating to broader strength in economic activity more generally will be profound. Accordingly they have positioned the portfolio to benefit from these 'reopeners'. February performance benefitted from these stocks as reporting season shone some light on to key factors that Montgomery expect to drive value over the coming months as visibility on the detail of the recovery takes shape.
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