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30 Nov 2020 - Performance Report: Glenmore Australian Equities Fund

By: Australian Fund Monitors

Report Date30 November 2020
ManagerGlenmore Asset Management Pty Ltd
Fund NameGlenmore Australian Equities Fund
StrategyEquity Long
Latest Return DateOctober 2020
Latest Return1.66%
Latest 6 Months28.55%
Latest 12 Months-4.39%
Latest 24 Months (pa)14.63%
Annualised Since Inception18.77%
Inception Date06 June 2017
FUM (millions)AU$9.9
Fund OverviewThe Fund is index unaware with an absolute return focus. The Fund seeks to invest in companies generating strong cashflows at attractive valuations. In absence of attractive investments being identified, the fund will hold cash. Glenmore will use a fundamental, research driven investment process to identify undervalued securities.

The main driver of identifying potential investments will be bottom up company analysis, however macro-economic conditions will be considered as part of the investment thesis for each stock.
Manager CommentsThe Glenmore Australian Equity Fund rose +1.66% in October, taking annualised performance since inception in June 2017 to +18.77% p.a. vs the Index's +5.05%. The Fund's up-capture ratio of 213.6% (since inception) and average positive monthly return of +4.53% vs the Index's +2.67% highlight its capacity to produce strong returns in rising markets. The Fund has maintained up-capture ratios of over 150% over the past 12, 24 and 36 months.

Top contributors in October included Dicker Data, ARB Corporation, Opticomm, Eager Automative, People Infrastructure and NRW Holdings. The main detractors for the month was Coronado Global Resources which declined -22.0% following very strong performance in September.

Glenmore don't believe the US election will influence the portfolio's composition materially. They noted that, while the outcome will almost certainly increase volatility for stocks in the short term, it has little impact on the earnings profile of the Fund's holdings.
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