Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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Printed: 04 July 2024 5:35 AM

12 Jun 2017 - Hedge Clippings

By: Australian Fund Monitors

There's nothing to worry about, is there?

Today's AFR's article "Gurus nervous it's 2008 all over again" provides a fair warning.

Valuations are at all time highs. The VIX is at all time lows. What is there to worry about?

  • Trump might be impeached.
  • May may (and more likely will) lose the unlosable UK election as we pre-empted in last week's Hedge Clippings.
  • The Middle East is a mess. OK, so that's been the case for the best part of 70, 100, or 2,000 years depending on your point of view and which side you are, or were, on.
  • North Korea's only a rocket or two away from overstepping the mark.

And Australia, in spite of recording record growth - at least from a longevity perspective - is a political, economic, taxation and legislative mess because neither side of politics are prepared to compromise for the long-term benefit of the country, and neither can govern without the support of a tiny minority. And they call that democracy.

Meanwhile some clown on the radio say's "don't worry about the threat of terrorism, you're statistically more likely to be killed by a bee sting than a lunatic with a driving licence and a knife", carefully ignoring the fact that one is accidental, the other deliberate.

Relax. Be Happy!


Allard Investment Fund increased 1.87% during the month of May 2017 and is up 19.71% for the latest 12 months. The Fund has an annualised return since inception of 9.43% p.a.

Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund rose 2.86% for the month of May, outperforming the S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index, which returned -2.75%, by +5.61%. Since inception, the Fund's has an annualised return of 16.85% p.a.

Quay Global Real Estate Fund delivered a +1.8% return for the month of May 2017, outperforming the FTSE/ EPRA NAREIT Developed Index Net TR AUD Index, which returned +1.3%, by 0.5%. Since inception in July 2014, the Fund has an annualised return of 16.1% p.a.

Paragon Australian Long Short Fund gained 1.30% for the month of May, outperforming the S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index by +4.05%. The Fund has an annualised return since inception of 11.83% p.a.

And, on that note, have a great weekend. 



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