Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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28 Jan 2022 - Performance Report: ASCF High Yield Fund


Report Date26 January 2022
ManagerAustralian Secure Capital
Fund NameASCF High Yield Fund
StrategyPrivate Debt
Latest Return DateDecember 2021
Latest Return0.57%
Latest 6 Months3.58%
Latest 12 Months7.46%
Latest 24 Months (pa)8.04%
Annualised Since Inception8.80%
Inception Date01 March 2017
FUM (millions)AU$110.185
Fund OverviewASCF High Yield Fund provides short term 1st and/or 2nd mortgage loans to a maximum Loan to Valuation Ratio (LVR) of 80% for a maximum term of 12 months on residential and commercial property.

Does not require full valuations on loans <65% LVR.

Borrowing rates are from 12% per annum on 1st mortgage loans and 16% per annum on 2nd mortgage/caveat loans.

Pays investors between 5.55% - 6.25% per annum depending on their investment term.
Manager CommentsThe ASCF High Yield Fund rose +0.57% in December, taking 12-month performance to +7.46% vs the Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index which fell -2.88%.

The ASCF High Yield Fund has a track record of 4 years and 10 months and therefore comparison over all market conditions and against the fund's peers is limited. However, since inception in March 2017, the fund has outperformed the Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index, providing investors with an annualised return of 8.8%, compared with the index's return of 3.31% over the same time period.

The fund has not had a negative annual return or drawdown in the 4 years and 10 months since its inception.

The Manager has delivered these returns with -3.35% less volatility than the index, contributing to a Sharpe ratio which has never fallen below 1 and currently sits at 24.15 since inception. The fund has provided positive monthly returns 100% of the time in rising markets, and 100% of the time when the market was negative, contributing to an up capture ratio since inception of 87% and a down capture ratio of -96%.
More Information

Australian Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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