Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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Printed: 03 July 2024 9:28 PM


12 Mar 2021 - Manager Insights | Prime Value

By: Australian Fund Monitors

Damen Purcell, COO of Australian Fund Monitors, speaks with Richard Ivers from Prime Value Asset Management about the Prime Value Emerging Opportunities Fund.

Since inception in October 2015, the Fund has returned 14.86% p.a. against the Index's annualised return over the same period of +9.64%. The Fund's Sortino ratio (since inception) of 1.27 vs the Index's 0.74, in conjunction with the Fund's down-capture ratio (since inception) of 45.74%, highlights its capacity to significantly outperform in falling markets.

Funds operated by manager:

Prime Value Emerging Opportunities Fund, Prime Value Equity Income (Imputation) Fund - Class APrime Value Growth Fund - Class APrime Value Opportunities Fund




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