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5 Mar 2021 - AIM CY20 Investor Presentation

By: Aitken Investment Management

The AIM GHCF investor presentation briefly covers how the Fund performed in 2020; Charlie Aitken (CIO) and Etienne Vlok (PM) also discuss where they see opportunities in 2021 and how they are thinking about market risk. The stock discussion focuses on a relatively unknown Japanese vision sensor business that is incredibly high quality with a concrete runway for growth.

1:15 CY2020 performance summary
9:47 Top 10 holdings at 31 Jan 21
11:43 Sector allocation at 31 Jan 21
13:10 Geographic revenue allocation 31 Jan 21
14:24 Portfolio characteristics
16:10 Stock discussion: Keyence
27:20 Biggest risk for markets this year
36:54 Where we are seeing opportunities
39:11 Our focus: returns on capital
45:59 Our views on currencies
48:00 Are markets speculative at present?
50:28 What are the policy risks under a Biden administration?
53:49 Why doesn't the Fund invest in banks?

AIM Global High Conviction Fund

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