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23 Feb 2021 - Performance Report: Frazis Fund

By: Australian Fund Monitors

Report Date23 February 2021
ManagerFrazis Capital Partners
Fund NameFrazis Fund
StrategyEquity Long/Short
Latest Return DateJanuary 2021
Latest Return12.10%
Latest 6 Months75.82%
Latest 12 Months109.74%
Latest 24 Months (pa)63.35%
Annualised Since Inception35.74%
Inception Date01 July 2018
FUM (millions)AU$75
Fund OverviewThe Frazis Fund is a thematic long/short global equity fund, with a macro overlay. The portfolio pairs high conviction, concentrated, long-term equity investments, with asymmetric, proprietary hedging strategies, to create a unique and highly differentiated return profile.

The manager follows a disciplined, process-driven, and thematic strategy focused on five core investment strategies:

1) Growth stocks that are really value stocks;
2) Traditional deep value;
3) The life sciences;
4) Miners and drillers expanding production into supply deficits;
5) Global special situations;

The manager uses a macro overlay to manage exposure, hedging in three ways:

1) Direct shorts
2) Upside exposure to the VIX index
3) Index optionality
Manager CommentsThe Frazis Fund rose +12.10% in January, outperforming AFM's Global Equity Index by +11.90% and taking 12-month performance to +109.74% (after fees) vs the Index's +2.59%. Since inception in July 2018, the Fund has returned +35.74% p.a. vs the Index's +10.54%. The Fund's up-capture ratio (since inception) of 308.2% indicates that, on average, the Fund has risen more than three times as much as the market during the market's positive months.

Frazis noted January's performance was broad-based. The Fund ended the month with 50 positions. Frazis continue to spot new opportunities, with many of the portfolio's best performers of late being positions made in recent weeks and months. Frazis discuss some of these companies in their latest report.

Frazis believe there is a strong level of optimism in financial markets which they say is somewhat justified as $1.9 trillion of US Government spending is about to wash through markets while interest rates are unlikely to increase any time soon.
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