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17 Dec 2020 - Performance Report: Atlantic Pacific Australian Equity Fund

By: Australian Fund Monitors

Report Date17 December 2020
ManagerAPSEC Funds Management
Fund NameAtlantic Pacific Australian Equity Fund
StrategyEquity Long/Short
Latest Return DateNovember 2020
Latest Return4.89%
Latest 6 Months-0.62%
Latest 12 Months25.52%
Latest 24 Months (pa)10.82%
Annualised Since Inception9.39%
Inception Date01 June 2013
FUM (millions)AU$37
Fund OverviewThe Fund will invest in a diversified portfolio of small to large cap Australian listed securities, and securities in respect of which listing has been proposed. Cash, cash equivalents, convertible notes and derivatives may also be included.

The primary objective of the Atlantic Pacific Australian Equity Fund is to generate a mixture of capital and income returns for investors with a high risk profile, over a 5 to 7 year investment period.

The Investment Manager believes that markets are fundamentally inefficient and that active investment management will result in higher than 'benchmark' returns. The Fund has adopted the S&P/ASX200 Accumulation Index as the benchmark for its performance. The Investment Manager also believes that, on review of many markets globally, no individual style or method of investing will always ensure outperformance in terms of return on investment.

In light of this, the Investment Manager may adopt a 'value', 'growth' or 'momentum' style bias, for example, depending on where the market is in its investment cycle. Further, the Investment Manager believes that actual and forecasted events underpin absolute and relative price movements of securities.

The Investment Manager will utilise a number of frameworks to assist in positioning the Fund's portfolio of investments. These include fundamental research, quantitative analysis, and macro and catalyst research.
Manager CommentsThe Atlantic Pacific Australian Equity Fund rose +4.89% in November, taking 12-month performance to +25.52% vs the ASX200 Accumulation Index's -1.98%. Since inception in June 2013, the Fund has returned +9.39% p.a. with an annualised volatility of 10.17%. By contrast, the Index has returned +8.23% p.a. with an annualised volatility of 14.06% over the same period.

The following statistics (since inception) highlight the Fund's capacity to significantly outperform in falling markets: Sortino ratio of 1.57 vs the Index's 0.61, maximum drawdown of -7.10% vs the Index's -26.75%, and down-capture ratio of 21.15%.

APSEC are of the view that inflation, and hence bond rates, will finally accelerate through next year and so their positioning will be much more focussed on sectors exposed to these dynamics. They noted they will not be deploying capital to invest in high valuation companies.
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