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29 Oct 2020 - Webinar: Fund Manager Roundtable on the US Election

By: Australian Fund Monitors

The US election is currently front and centre in the media - as it should be given that the outcome will shape the world for the next four years and beyond. Much of the focus is on the incumbents themselves, and much on the political ramifications of either a Trump or Biden victory, or even the possibility of no clear outcome at all.

But what of the market outcome, both in the US, Australia, Asia or the world as a whole?

This is a recording of a webinar hosted by Australian Fund Monitors on the 28th of October 2020. We speak with Rodney Brott from DS Capital, Rob Swift from Delft Partners and Chris Wheldon from Magellan Asset Management to get their perspectives on the market outlook post the US election and how they expect either outcome to influence their investment decisions.

Listen to this webinar as a podast

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