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29 Sep 2020 - Performance Report: Gyrostat Absolute Return Income Equity Fund

By: Australian Fund Monitors

Report Date29 September 2020
ManagerGyrostat Capital Management
Fund NameGyrostat Absolute Return Income Equity Fund
StrategyEquity Income
Latest Return DateAugust 2020
Latest Return-1.27%
Latest 6 Months2.94%
Latest 12 Months5.87%
Latest 24 Months (pa)6.94%
Annualised Since Inception4.74%
Inception Date10 December 2010
FUM (millions)AU$55
Fund OverviewGyrostat's absolute return income equity fund is designed to combine protection, returns and regular income through all stages of the investment cycle (including large market falls).

The investment objective is to deliver regular and stable income stream (from ASX20 dividends) in a low interest rate environment with capital security - a 'highly-defensive' asset class.

Gyrostat has operated for 38 consecutive quarters within a 'hard' pre-defined risk parameter (no more than 3% capital at risk with the Fund's maximum draw-down 2.2% in any circumstances) always in place, delivering regular income by passing through ASX-20 dividends, and meeting returns guidance based upon market conditions (demonstrating increasing returns with market volatility). The Fund buys and holds ASX-20 and international assets with lowest cost protection always in place with upside. It is a conservative asset allocation.

Note that Gyrostat have expanded their international assets within the Fund to include SP500, FANGS, Nikkei, Hang Seng, MSCI China, MSCI Developed and Developing markets.

Advances in investment risk management enable cost-effective protection to always be in place for a 'hard' defined risk parameter (say no more than 3% capital at risk). Returns are designed to increase as volatility levels increase, as this provides more opportunities to lower protection costs.

Investment Objectives:

- Returns: 6% - 8% pa in trending markets, greater than 8% pa in volatile markets, BBSW90 + 3% in stable markets
- Income: Minimum cash rate + 3% paid semi-annually (currently 4.0% p.a.) from dividends and franking credits
- Protection: No quarterly NAV draw-downs exceeding 3%

Also includes a 'tail hedge' for gains on large market falls.
Manager CommentsThe Gyrostat Absolute Return Income Equity Fund has returned +5.87% over the past 12 months with a volatility of 7.40%. Since inception in December 2010, the Fund has returned +4.74% p.a. with an annualised volatility of 4.30%. The Fund has operated for 39 consecutive quarters with a 'hard' pre-defined risk parameter in place (no more than 3% of capital at risk and a maximum drawdown of 2.2% regardless of market conditions).

The Fund returned -1.27% in August. Gyrostat noted returns were lower as volatility fell which was consistent with their guidance for stable markets. Market conditions during the month enabled Gyrostat to enter additional positions for more elevated returns on any uplift in market volatility. The investment strategy allows for up to 15% of the Fund's assets to be invested in international assets, with positions in S&P500, Nasdaq, Hang Seng, MSCI Developed and Emerging Markets (among others). Gyrostat anticipate returns in all market environments of at least BBSW 90 +3% which they expect will enable investors to receive income and capital growth. The Fund also includes a 'tail hedge' for gains on large market falls.

Gyrostat anticipate increasing levels of 'late cycle' market volatility with elevated geopolitical risk, historically high debt levels and elevated valuations.
More Information

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