Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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18 Sep 2020 - Manager Insights | APSEC Funds Management

By: Australian Fund Monitors

Damen Purcell, COO at Australian Fund Monitors, speaks with Nicolas Bryon, manager of the APSEC Atlantic Pacific Australian Equity Fund, about the performance of the fund since its inception in June 2013 with a focus on more recent performance throughout the pandemic.

The Fund has returned +21.82% against the ASX200 Accumulation Index's -5.08% over the past 12 months and +9.37% p.a. since inception against the Index's annualised return over the same period of +7.35%. One of the Fund's strengths is its ability to perform well in falling markets, highlighted by its consistently low down-capture ratios and significantly lower drawdowns during periods of significant market decline.

Listen to this interview as a podcast

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