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2 Sep 2020 - Performance Report: Laureola Investment Fund

By: Australian Fund Monitors

Report Date02 September 2020
ManagerLaureola Advisors
Fund NameLaureola Investment Fund
StrategyLife Settlements
Latest Return DateJuly 2020
Latest Return2.22%
Latest 6 Months5.39%
Latest 12 Months11.20%
Latest 24 Months (pa)4.86%
Annualised Since Inception16.88%
Inception Date01 May 2013
FUM (millions)US$63
Fund OverviewA 'Life Settlement' is the transfer of the ownership and beneficial interest in a life insurance policy to a third party. The policy owner transfers their rights to the policy in return for an immediate cash payment. The buyer of the policy is then responsible for its maintenance and will be entitled to receive the policy benefits from the insurance company upon maturity.

The investment strategy of The Laureola Investment Fund is dynamic and flexible, designed to take advantage of the frequent but temporary pricing anomalies of an asset class that is not yet fully understood by the majority of participants.

Laureola Advisors applies 'best practices' common in the management of traditional assets, particularly the use of independent, in-house, proprietary research.
Manager CommentsThe Laureola Investment Fund rose +2.2% in July, taking performance over the past 12 months to +11.20% with a volatility of 2.17%. Since inception in May 2013, the Fund has returned +16.88% p.a. with an annualised volatility of 5.72%. By contrast, the S&P500 Total Return has risen +12.68% on an annualised basis over the same period with an annualised volatility of 13.24%.

In their latest report, Laureola highlight the mounting signs of speculative fever, with US stocks up +5.5% in July. They see a significant divergence between asset prices and economic reality, pointing specifically to the following: the US economy declined by 32.9% on an annualised basis last quarter (economies in Europe and Asia plunged by similar or worse rates), 25 major US retailers have filed for bankruptcy in 2020 and the 4 largest US banks have $150bn of loans in 'deferral'. Laureola believe this divergence is based on two beliefs: 1) Governments will always be able to prop up markets with easy money, and 2) these actions will not have significant consequences. However, due to Laureola's lack of conviction in either of these beliefs, they see Life Settlements as a sensible alternative asset class.

Performance in July was driven by the maturity of 3 life settlement policies. 80% of the returns YTD have been from maturities which Laureola point out is the true measure of the performance of a Life Settlements fund. The Fund also completed a successful restructuring during the month, putting it on a solid foundation for future growth including lower expenses. The Fund now has capital to deploy, both from new investors and maturities, and the Fund's advisors continue to select policies to ensure future returns and future cash flow. Laureola noted that, due to the nature of Life Settlements as an asset class, the Fund's performance will not be affected if and when economic reality hits asset prices.
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