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17 Aug 2020 - Performance Report: 4D Global Infrastructure Fund

By: Australian Fund Monitors

Report Date17 August 2020
Manager4D Infrastructure, a Bennelong boutique
Fund Name4D Global Infrastructure Fund
Latest Return DateJuly 2020
Latest Return-1.78%
Latest 6 Months-16.39%
Latest 12 Months-6.96%
Latest 24 Months (pa)6.02%
Annualised Since Inception9.09%
Inception Date07 March 2016
FUM (millions)AU$162.68
Fund OverviewThe 4D Global Infrastructure Fund aims to outperform the OECD G7 Inflation Index +5.5% p.a. over the long term by identifying quality listed global infrastructure securities, trading at or below fair value with sustainable, growing earning combined with sustainable, growing dividends.

The fund will be managed as a single portfolio of listed global infrastructure securities including regulated utilities in gas, electricity and water, transport infrastructure such as airports, ports, road and rail as well as communication assets such as the towers and satellite sectors.

The portfolio is intended to have exposure to both developed and emerging market opportunities, with country risk assessed internally before any investment is considered.

The maximum absolute position of an individual stock is 7% of the fund.
Manager CommentsThe 4D Global Infrastructure Fund returned -1.78% in July, with the rising AUD detracting from performance. Since inception in March 2016, the Fund has risen +9.09% p.a. with an annualised volatility of 12.31%.

The strongest performer in July was US rail operator, KSU, up +15.1% on the back of solid Q2 reporting and on rumours of a private equity bid for the company. The weakest performer was US Utility, First Energy, down -25.2% on allegations of corporate corruption surrounding the use of a 501(c )4 structure for political lobbying. 4D noted the company is refuting all allegations and they believe the market overreacted to headlines.

4D continue to position the Fund for the prevailing economic outlook and infrastructure as a means of recovery as they look to capitalise on the raft of opportunities on offer.
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