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31 Jul 2020 - Performance Report: Ark Global Fund - Class B AUD Unhedged

By: Australian Fund Monitors

Report Date31 July 2020
ManagerAI Funds Management Pty Ltd
Fund NameArk Global Fund - Class B AUD Unhedged
StrategyManaged Futures
Latest Return DateJune 2020
Latest Return-2.34%
Latest 6 Months1.33%
Latest 12 Months4.41%
Latest 24 Months (pa)10.13%
Annualised Since Inception11.67%
Inception Date01 September 2019
FUM (millions)AU$2.45
Fund OverviewThe Ark Global Fund (AGF) invests in Fund One which is an open-ended exempted company incorporated with limited liability in the Cayman Islands with registration number 287801, with a Singapore Investment Manager called Swiss Asia Financial Services (SAFS).

The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve long-term capital appreciation with low correlation to global equity markets through investment in the Underlying Fund.

Fund One is a global macro fund that utilises quantitative research including machine learning techniques and fully automated trading algorithms which will aim to generate positive uncorrelated returns relative to any significant equity benchmark. The traded instruments are either major FX pairs or the most liquid exchange traded stock index, bond, and commodity futures across North America, Europe and Asia Pacific.

The algorithm backtests over 10 years of tick data and in order to do so effectively requires machine learning to filter noise and identify meaningful signals, which results in statistically significant prediction of price movements. In production this processing is done in real time and the portfolio reacts to asset movements by rebalancing automatically to the desired risk exposure through the market impact optimised execution logic.

Risk management layers built into the algorithm have been developed using the experience the team has gained from their decades in highly liquid fast-moving markets in the proprietary High Frequency Trading world. This allows the system to trade autonomously but safely to all trading opportunities and potential system issues, and to alert the team to any behaviour outside of strictly controlled bounds.

The Fund is a 'feeder fund' which indirectly gains exposure to the underlying assets by investing all or substantially all of its assets in the Underlying Fund. The Fund may retain a certain amount of cash from the investment in the Fund for the purpose of payment of costs, fees, hedging and expenses.
Manager CommentsThe Ark Global Fund (unhedged) rose +4.41% with a down-capture ratio of -53.38% over FY20. The negative down-capture ratio indicates that, on average, the Fund rose during the market's negative months. Since inception in July 2017, the Fund has returned +11.67% p.a. against AFM's Global Equity Index's annualised return of +10.26%. The Fund's up-capture and down-capture ratios for performance since inception, 16.41% and -69.36% respectively, highlight the Fund's capacity to achieve positive returns regardless of market direction.

The best performing assets for the month were: Gold (+1.49% of NAV), Nikkey 225 (+1.39% of NAV) and SMI Index (+0.81% of NAV). The worst performing assets for the month were: AUD/USD (-0.66% of NAV), USD/CAD (-0.84% of NAV) and Euro Stoxx (-1.63% of NAV).
More Information

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