Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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30 Aug 2021 - Managers Insights | Vantage Asset Management

By: Australian Fund Monitors

Damen Purcell, COO of Australian Fund Monitors, speaks with Michael Tobin, Managing Director of Vantage Asset Management.

The current offer of Vantage Private Equity Growth 4 is a closed-ended fund. The Fund's inception date is 30 September 2019 and the close date is 30 September 2021. The Fund will invest in Private Equity funds based in Australia, along with Permitted Co-investments, to create a well diversified portfolio of Private Equity investments.

Prior Vantage Funds continue to perform well with June seeing a composite performance of +2.42%. Quarterly performance was +8.64% and 12 month performance +58.73%.

Funds operated by this manager:

Vantage Private Equity Growth
The minimum investment amount for the Vantage Private Equity Growth 4 Limited Offer is $50,000 for new investors or $10,000 for existing investors when applying via the 'Apply Online' button above.


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