Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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Printed: 03 July 2024 9:32 PM


7 Sep 2021 - Reporting Season Insights | Cyan Investment Management

By: Australian Fund Monitors

Chris Gosselin, CEO of Australian Fund Monitors, speaks with Graeme Carson, Director & Portfolio Manager at Cyan Investment Management.

The Cyan C3G Fund has a track record of 7 years and has outperformed the ASX Small Ordinaries Total Return Index since inception in July 2014, providing investors with a return of 15.58% per annum, compared with the index's return of 9.42% p.a. over the same period. The manager has delivered this outperformance while maintaining a down-capture ratio since inception of 52%, indicating that, on average, it has only fallen half as much as the market during the market's negative months.

Funds operated by manager:

Cyan C3G Fund


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