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23 Jul 2021 - Global megatrend observations: The biggest market events over the last 90 years

By: Insync Funds Management

Global megatrend observations

The biggest market events over the last 90 years

Insync Funds Management

10 July 2021

Last year, we endured some major shifts in the market. Just 23 trading days resulted in the S&P 500 falling -34%. By June it had topped +40% (from its 23 March low). It can be disturbing when this happens in such a short timeframe, especially with the media going ballistic with doom and sensationalism. Is this usual?

Yes, it is. Large ups-and-downs occur all the time - though not for the past 10 years. So it feels unusual and can be tempting to time moves or cash out until things feel okay again. Here are the seven biggest market events over the last 90 years:

  1. The 1929 Great Depression Crash lasted well into the 1930s. It's still by far the craziest ride in history. The market was up +32% in '29 until peaking in September. Then it fell -45% in two months. Then it rose +28%. Overall, the year was down just 8.3%. By four months into the next year the market was up +22%. It didn't last, as the next eight months would see a -44% drop. By December it was still down -25%.
  2. 1931 had stocks rising in two months by +19%. It then flipped, closing around -57% by mid-December. That year is the worst year on record, finishing -44%. Would you have stayed invested? Another -51% drop over the next five months of 1932 would really test you! (This was THE bottom as it turned out.) Without warning or good news, markets rallied +112% in only 12 weeks. The S&P still fell again another -32% to settle for the entire year at -8.6%. Selling didn't subside in 1933 as there was another fall of -25%. After that, investors enjoyed a staggering +121% in July (and a bump of -29%) to finish the entire year +50% - one of the best years ever. 1934 saw another rise of +21% (and a fall of -29%). 
  3. The '73/'74 oil crisis marked another rollercoaster of returns. Stocks fell -37% before bottoming in October, then rallied +21% the next month, ending the year at -26%.
  4. 1980 saw stocks falling -17% only to rise +43%. The market was up +32% by year's end. 1982 witnessed a similar event with -17% followed by a +40% jump. Year-end stocks were up +20%.
  5. The Black Monday crash of '87 saw the market falling -34% in only a week. It had risen +40% beforehand and ended the year almost +6% (after the worst one-day crash in history). 
  6. The late '90s asset bubble had a +20% gain for five years straight up until 1999; yet in '98 it had a -9.3% fall before increasing +34% ending the last year of last century at +28%. As the dot-com bubble burst nudged by 9/11, three big 7. price swings occurred in 2001. Stocks fell -19% before rising +19%; then there was a -26% crash to close the year around -12%.
  7. The 2009 GFC bottomed in early-March '09 at peak gloom but not before being slammed at -28% from 1 January. Prices then leapt +67%, closing the year at +26%.

What would you have done as an investor in response to each of these market events? Hindsight is a wonderful thing...

Three demographic discoveries that affect investments

To understand the drivers of the structural down-shift, we need to first look at the reality of the globe's demographic make-up. Our white paper discusses three demographic discoveries - and at least one of them will challenge long-held beliefs!

Discovery 1: The world population will grow for the next 30 years and there's not much that can be done to stop this. 

Discovery 2: World population will then decline and there is little that can be done to stop this if societies behave as they have done for millennia. 

Discovery 3: 'Peak Child' occured in 2011. There will never be a year in our lifetimes where more children are born. This has profound economic growth implications.

Learn more in our demographics White Paper: The GDP Downshift - Preserving Equity Returns

Equity Trustees Limited ("EQT") (ABN 46 004 031 298), AFSL 240975, is the Responsible Entity for the Insync Global Quality Fund and the Insync Global Capital Aware Fund. EQT is a subsidiary of EQT Holdings Limited (ABN 22 607 797 615), a publicly listed company on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: EQT). This information has been prepared by Insync Funds Management Pty Ltd (ABN 29 125 092 677, AFSL 322891) ("Insync"), to provide you with general information only. In preparing this information, we did not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person. It is not intended to take the place of professional advice and you should not take action on specific issues in reliance on this information. Neither Insync, EQT nor any of its related parties, their employees or directors, provide and warranty of accuracy or reliability in relation to such information or accepts any liability to any person who relies on it. Past performance should not be taken as an indicator of future performance. You should obtain a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement before making a decision about whether to invest in this product.

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Insync Global Capital Aware FundInsync Global Quality Equity Fund

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