Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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Printed: 03 July 2024 9:35 PM


14 Jul 2021 - Webinar Invitation | Prime Value

By: Prime Value Asset Management

Invitation to join Prime Value Equity Portfolio Managers ST Wong and Richard Ivers for an Interactive Webinar and Q&A

The financial year to June 2021 was a good year for equities and growth assets in general. Private demand stepped-up as governments undertook vast investment programmes in addition to growing confidence in the economic recovery.
Companies themselves are in good health with strong balance sheets and buoyant margins.
The question for every investor in equities today is whether this strength can last. Some are asking whether they have missed the boat or whether the good news is already in the price.

This webinar will be hosted by Phil Morgan, Director Investor Relations & Capital Raising, and presented by our Equities Portfolio Managers, ST Wong and Richard Ivers.

What we will discuss: 

  • Great 12 months for equities - whats next? 
  • An overview of selected holdings in the fund's
  • An interactive Q&A discussion with our Equity Portfolio Managers

Please click the link below to RSVP and you will receive an email confirmation with the zoom link to attend the webinar.


Register for the webinar on Wednesday 21 July at 12:30pm


Please submit any questions to Phil Morgan: [email protected]

We look forward to presenting to you and your family and friends.

Phil Morgan


ST Wong


Richard Ivers



Prime Value is a boutique investment company established in 1998, specialising in the creation of wealth for high net-worth individuals, private investors and select institutions. Prime Value together with associated company Shakespeare Property Group currently manages over $1 billion in Australian Equities, cash like instruments and commercial property

Prime aims to achieve superior, long term, absolute returns in excess of the Australian markets. Prime Value embraces the four most important criteria in the selection of a fund manager: Solid financial integrity of the investment management company, alignment of interest of investment managers who are incentivised through profit-share in the business, proven investment philosophy and processes, with strong performance track record in core areas of expertise and a focus on stock selection and risk management skills, and a highly qualified, experienced and stable team of investment managers.

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Australian Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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