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19 Apr 2023 - Quay podcast: FORA - fear of renting again

By: Quay Global Investors

Quay podcast: FORA - fear of renting again

Quay Global Investors

March 2023

Chris Bedingfield speaks with Bennelong's Holly Old about the future of house prices in Australia, the fear of renting again, and what history has taught us about the next global crisis.

"FOMO, fear of missing out, has changed to FORA, which is fear of renting again. And I think that's what's caused a bit of the supply strike that's happening. And there's a very bearish narrative in the residential commentary at the moment... but I think when you really look at it from a logical and a cool perspective, it's probably not as bad as people say."

  • 0:36 - March madness - the rate height cycle, the big news on banks, and the outcome of reporting season
  • 4:49 - The buyer versus seller strike, and the future of house prices in Australia
  • 8:11 - Chris's new acronym, FORA
  • 12:08 - Why we're not entering another global financial crisis

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