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29 Jun 2022 - Investment environment snapshot

By: Laureola Advisors

Investment environment snapshot

Laureola Advisors

June 2022

The S&P declined 8.8% in April and by late May was down over 12% ytd. The Nasdaq was down 22% ytd. and Bitcoin down 38% ytd. The 10 yr Treasury finished at 2.9%; the yield has doubled in 18 mos.

Concern is growing that the US Fed may be making serious policy mistakes by being weak on fighting inflation and focusing on supporting equity prices. The Fed may have to choose between two evils, both with significant negative effects. The respected economist Mr. El Erian has been vocal on this issue: "I think the Fed is going to have to decide between two policy mistakes ...". Rising rates won't help an economy already showing signs of weakness: new home sales were down 16.6% and business owners are increasingly pessimistic.

The geo-political backdrop worsens as Russia and China appear to be allying more closely both economically and militarily. China has chartered 10 extra tankers in May alone to transport Russian oil and the two countries did a joint exercise flying strategic bombers over the Sea of Japan during President Biden's recent visit to Tokyo. Wheat shortages in Egypt (80% of her wheat comes from Ukraine and Russia) recently caused a riot in the streets as the subsidized bakery had no bread.

The need for diversification in portfolios is greater now than ever and Life Settlements can provide the required stable, non-correlated returns even in this uncertain world.

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Laureola Australian Feeder Fund

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