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17 Jan 2023 - Glenmore Asset Management - Market Commentary

By: Glenmore Asset Management

Market Commentary - November

Glenmore Asset Management

December 2022

Equity markets globally were stronger in November. In the US, the S&P 500 was up +5.4%, the Nasdaq rose +4.4%, whilst in the UK, the FTSE 100 increased +6.7%, boosted by its heavy mining weighting. On the ASX, the All Ordinaries Accumulation Index rose +6.4%. Utilities were the best performing sector, boosted by the takeover bid for index heavyweight Origin Energy, which was up +41% in the month. Materials was the next best sector, driven by investor optimism around China loosening its covid lockdown measures. Telco's, financials and technology all underperformed in the month. 

Bond yields declined in November as investors started to become more positive that the pace of interest rate hikes from central banks will moderate along with some signs that inflation has potentially peaked. In the US, the 10 year bond yield fell -30 basis points (bp) to close at 3.74%, whilst in Australia, the 10 year rate fell -23bp to 3.53%. During the month, the RBA increased interest rates by 25bp for the seventh month in a row, taking the official cash rate to 2.85%. The A$/US$ rallied in the month, up +6.0% to close at US$0.68. 

Commodity prices were broadly higher. Nickel rose +23%, whilst copper, aluminium and lead also rose between +6-8%. Thermal coal rebounded +11.4% after an -18% decline in October. Also of note, iron ore was up +25.6% after falling for seven months in a row. Brent crude oil fell -10.0%. 

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