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17 Mar 2022 - Australian Equities - At The Crossroads?

By: Airlie Funds Management

Australian Equities - At The Crossroads?

Airlie Funds Management

08 March 2022

After varying lengths of ever-lower interest rates, RBA asset-buying and benign inflation - all three are reversing course, resulting in increasingly volatile equity markets in 2022. Airlie Portfolio Manager, Matt Williams and Equities Analyst, Will Granger explore what this means for Australian equities. The pair analyse the latest February earnings season and provide insight into the Airlie Australian Share Fund (AASF) portfolio.

4.25 Australian Equities discussion starts 
5.35 Inflation
9.00 Valuations
11.00 M&A Boom - over?
12.05 M&A in Australia
13.35 Reporting Season
16.15 Summary
18.40 Newscorp - WSJ strategy success
29.20 Q&A

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Airlie Australian Share Fund

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