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22 May 2023 - 4D podcast: The golden opportunities for infrastructure in a challenging environment

By: 4D Infrastructure

4D podcast: The golden opportunities for

infrastructure in a challenging environment

4D Infrastructure

May 2023

Bennelong Account Director, Jodie Saw, speaks with Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager, Sarah Shaw, about how infrastructure has been performing, 4D's portfolio, and the opportunities for infrastructure growth despite a tumultuous few years.

"There is a place for infrastructure in all portfolios and in all markets. It offers defensiveness with growth, and sector and regional diversity, which means infrastructure can be fundamentally positioned for all points of an economic cycle. And we think allocations to the asset class should be more representative of this opportunity set."

  • 0:50 - How infrastructure has performed against a challenging macroeconomic backdrop
  • 3:33 - 4D's current portfolio positioning
  • 6:58 - Why 4D believes investors should be increasing their allocations in listed infrastructure
  • 9:01 - Listed versus unlisted infrastructure - which one should investors go for?
  • 11:49 - The opportunity in emerging markets

Funds operated by this manager:

4D Global Infrastructure Fund (Unhedged)4D Global Infrastructure Fund (AUD Hedged)4D Emerging Markets Infrastructure Fund

For more information about 4D Infrastructure, visit

The content contained in this audio represents the opinions of the speakers. The speakers may hold either long or short positions in securities of various companies discussed in the audio. This commentary in no way constitutes a solicitation of business or investment advice. It is intended solely as an avenue for the speakers to express their personal views on investing and for the entertainment of the listener.

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