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16 Aug 2022 - 4D podcast: interest rates, inflation and infrastructure

By: 4D Infrastructure

4D podcast: interest rates, inflation and infrastructure

4D Infrastructure

August 2022

4D's Global Portfolio Manager and Chief Investment Officer, Sarah Shaw, speaks with Bennelong's Jodie Saw about the impact changing interest rates and inflation can have on infrastructure; and the opportunities presented in the asset class.4D podcast image

"Given the distinct features of varied infrastructure assets, with active management a listed infrastructure equity portfolio can be positioned to take advantage of the long-term structural opportunity set, as well as whatever near-term cyclical events may prevail - whether they be environmental, political, economic or social."

  • 0:36 - How exposure to infrastructure can be adjusted according to interest rates and inflation
  • 4:54 - Why the current equity market volatility is showing a disconnect to company fundamentals (and where the opportunities are)
  • 7:24 - Why 4D continues to like emerging markets over the long term
  • 8:39 - How the portfolio could be positioned in a stagflation or recessionary environment
  • 10:13 - The ongoing, critical need for global infrastructure spend

Funds operated by this manager:

4D Global Infrastructure Fund4D Emerging Markets Infrastructure Fund

The content contained in this article represents the opinions of the authors. The authors may hold either long or short positions in securities of various companies discussed in the article. This commentary in no way constitutes a solicitation of business or investment advice. It is intended solely as an avenue for the authors to express their personal views on investing and for the entertainment of the reader.

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