ASCF Select Income Fund

Performance Summary as at May 2024

The ASCF Select Income Fund has a track record of 7 years and 3 months and has outperformed the Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr benchmark since inception in March 2017, providing investors with an annualised return of 6.25% compared with the benchmark's return of 1.37% over the same period.

On a calendar year basis, the fund hasn't experienced any negative annual returns in the 7 years and 3 months since its inception. Since inception in March 2017, the fund hasn't had any negative monthly returns and therefore hasn't experienced a drawdown. Over the same period, the index's largest drawdown was -13.2%.

The Manager has delivered these returns with 4.65% less volatility than the benchmark, contributing to a Sharpe ratio which has consistently remained above 1 over the past five years and which currently sits at 10.63 since inception. The fund has provided positive monthly returns 100% of the time in rising markets and 100% of the time during periods of market decline, contributing to an up-capture ratio since inception of 45% and a down-capture ratio of -56%.

Cumulative Returns
Fund Index

ASCF Select Income Fund - Cumulative Performance vs Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index


Fund Index


Fund Index

General Notes

Performance shown is the aggregate return for all investors across all investment terms (3, 6, 12 and 24 months). Redemption notice is 1-3 months depending on investment term.

Quintile Ranking vs. Fixed Income - Debt as at May 2024

The performance of the ASCF Select Income Fund ranked it in the first or second quintile for all KPIs over 5 & 7 years. Over 3 years the fund ranked in the first quintile for all KPIs except Total Return and Sharpe, while it ranked in the first or second quintile for all KPIs except Total Return over 1 year.

1 Year
3 Year
5 Year
7 Year
ASCF Select Income Fund
RBA Cash Rate + 5%
Quintile Rankings display Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) against the fund's Peer Group. Each green square ranks the fund in one quintile (or 20%) of its peer group - five green squares indicate the fund is in the best quintile for each KPI. The performance of the peer group's underlying index is shown by a red dot.