Tyndall Australian Share Wholesale Fund


Manager Summary

Tyndall Asset Management (Tyndall AM) is an investment team within the Yarra Group. The Tyndall AM investment team has worked together for more than 15 years and has a joint venture with the Yarra Group. This ownership structure ensures alignment of interests and fosters a strong performance culture.

Tyndall AM's Australian share valuation process is based on an intrinsic value philosophy. The team apply an internal research process called 'Comparative Value Analysis' to assess and compare the value of stocks and to identify companies whose shares may represent good value.

Strategy Summary

The Tyndall Australian Share Wholesale Fund's primary performance/risk objective is to provide higher than benchmark returns over rolling five-year periods with reasonably controlled volatility for what is a concentrated product. The Fund is a high conviction portfolio characterised by holding a relatively low number of stocks (typically 20-35 stocks).

Key Terms

Status: Open Inception Date: Mar 1995
Strategy: Equity Long Style: Value
Geography: Australia Domicile: Australia
Investors: Wholesale & Retail Min. Investment: AU$ 10,000
Distributions: 6 Monthly Applications: Daily
Fund Size: AU$ 425.41m Management Fee: 0.80%
Manager FUM: Undisclosed Performance Fee: 0.00%

Key Statistics

Fund Index* Fund Index*
May 2024: -0.07% 0.92% Sharpe1: 0.43 0.45
1 Year: 6.34% 12.93% Sortino1: 0.51 0.53
3 Years1,2: 5.51% 6.80% Best Month1: 14.54% 10.21%
5 Years1,2: 6.01% 7.83% Worst Month1: -25.77% -20.65%
Inception1,2: 9.39% 9.22% Volatility1,2: 14.28% 13.12%
Up-Capture1: 86% N/A Down-Capture1: 100% N/A
*ASX 200 Total Return,   1Since Mar 1995,   2Annualised

Cumulative Returns
Fund Index

Tyndall Australian Share Wholesale Fund - Cumulative Performance vs ASX 200 Total Return


Fund Index


Fund Index

Quintile Ranking vs. Equity Long - Large Cap - Australia Peer Group (116 funds) as at May 2024

1 Year
3 Year
5 Year
7 Year
Tyndall Australian Share Wholesale Fund
ASX200 Total Return
Quintile Rankings display Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) against the fund's Peer Group. Each green square ranks the fund in one quintile (or 20%) of its peer group - five green squares indicate the fund is in the best quintile for each KPI. The performance of the peer group's underlying index is shown by a red dot.