Blackwattle Small Cap Long-Short Quality Fund


Manager Summary

In 2023 Blackwattle established its team with expertise across Investment, Distribution and Marketing, and Governance. The Company is built on the foundation of alignment and focuses on 3 key areas for success, such as Investment Excellence, Transparency, and Governance. Blackwattle does not allow personal trading and 100% of staff members own equity in the company.

Blackwattle has installed two external governing councils that assist in shaping its business. The Blackwattle ESG Advisory Council provides oversight of the company and its portfolios and the Blackwattle Investment Advisory Council whose purpose is to provide guidance, perspective, and critical thought to enhance investment decision making.

Strategy Summary

The Fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index after fees but before taxes over the medium to long term, by investing in or short selling publicly listed securities primarily outside of the S&P/ASX 100 on Australian and New Zealand securities exchanges. The Fund targets a 130% long / 30% short portfolio structure. It may invest in exchange traded derivatives and cash or cash equivalents, use leverage to magnify exposure to investments by borrowing cash and offering securities as collateral, as well as utilise the cash generated from a short securities sale to purchase additional securities to extend long positions.

Key Terms

Status: Open Inception Date: May 2019
Strategy: Equity Long/Short Style: Blend
Geography: Australia Domicile: Australia
Investors: Wholesale & Retail Min. Investment: AU$ 50,000
Distributions: 6 Monthly Applications: Monthly
Fund Size: AU$ 88m Management Fee: 1.30%
Manager FUM: AU$ 88m Performance Fee: N/A

Key Statistics

Fund Index* Fund Index*
Aug 2023: 0.20% -0.73% Sharpe1: -0.01 0.45
1 Year: -7.16% 9.56% Sortino1: -0.05 0.47
3 Years1,2: 0.49% 10.68% Best Month1: 3.85% 10.21%
5 Years1,2: N/A N/A Worst Month1: -2.42% -20.65%
Inception1,2: 0.95% 7.43% Volatility1,2: 4.47% 16.80%
Up-Capture1: 0% N/A Down-Capture1: -6% N/A
*ASX 200 Total Return,   1Since May 2019,   2Annualised

Cumulative Returns
Fund Index

Blackwattle Small Cap Long-Short Quality Fund - Cumulative Performance vs ASX 200 Total Return


Fund Index


Fund Index

Quintile Ranking vs. Equity Alternative - Australia Peer Group (125 funds) as at August 2023

No Quintile data found for peer group benchmark ASX200 Total Return

Quintile Rankings display Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) against the fund's Peer Group. Each green square ranks the fund in one quintile (or 20%) of its peer group - five green squares indicate the fund is in the best quintile for each KPI. The performance of the peer group's underlying index is shown by a red dot.