AFM Fund Profile — Ellerston Global Mid Small Cap Fund (Class A)

Fund & Manager Details

Key Facts

Fund Type: Single Discretionary/Quantitative: Combination
Strategy: Equity Long FUM (millions): AU$43.03m
Style: Blend Fund Inception Date: Since 01 March 2017
Geographic Mandate: Global Latest Return Date: May 2024
Fund Domicile: Australia Investor Type: Wholesale
Status: Open Reporting Status: Current

Manager Details and Fund Description

Manager: Ellerston Capital Total FUM for all funds:
Manager Overview:
Ellerston Capital is a specialist investment manager providing a range of innovative equity and alternative strategies.
As a firm majority owned by its principals and employees, our clients' objectives are our objectives.

Ellerston Capital has been managing money since 2002 and manages over $5 billion in long only Australian, global and Asian equities, Australian market neutral, global macro, global long-short equity and private equity strategies.

The Manager's investment products are designed to take advantage of the strengths and capabilities of our experienced investment team and also the opportunities which we feel exist in the market place.
Fund/Strategy Overview:
The Ellerston Global Mid Small Cap Fund provides investors with an opportunity to invest in a concentrated investment portfolio, targeting up to 25 global equity securities. The Fund portfolio is long only, no shorting and no net leverage.

The Fund's aim is to generate superior returns for Shareholders, with a focus on risk management and capital preservation. Performance will be benchmarked against the MSCI World Index (Local).

EGI adopts the Manager's distinctively contrarian, high conviction investment approach which seeks to identify stocks which the Manager believes have a compelling risk/reward profile and are temporarily misunderstood and fundamentally mispriced.
Other funds operated by manager:
Ellerston 2050 Fund, Ellerston Asia Growth Fund, Ellerston Australian Absolute Return Fund - Class A(Soft closed), Ellerston Australian Emerging Leaders Fund, Ellerston Australian Micro Cap Fund, Ellerston Australian Share Fund, Ellerston Equity Income KIS Fund, Ellerston Global Equity Managers Fund - Class C, Ellerston India Fund, Ellerston JAADE Australian Private Assets Fund (Retail), Ellerston JAADE Australian Private Assets Fund (Wholesale), Ellerston Overlay Australian Share Fund

Investment Details

Investment Terms

Minimum Investment: Minimum Additional Investment: Minimum Term: Investment Frequency:
AU$25,000 AU$10,000 0 N/A Daily
Regular Savings Option: Regular Savings Min. Amount : Regular Savings Max. Amount : Regular Savings Freq.:
Redemption Notice: Redemption Frequency: Notes:
Distributions: Distribution Frequency: Last Distribution Date: Last Distribution Amount:
Yes 6 Monthly AU$


Offshore/Onshore: Fund Structure: Share Classes: Trustee/Responsible Entity:
Onshore Unit Trust AU$, US$, Euro, GBP Ellerston Capital Limited
Administrator: Prime Broker: Custodian: Legal:
State Street Australia Limited N/A State Street Australia Limited N/A

Fund Fees

Management Fee: Performance Fee: High Water Mark: Hurdle:
0.75% 10% Yes MSCI World Mid Cap Index (NR) (AUD)
Buy Spread: Sell spread: Early Redemption Fee: Fees Notes:
0.250% 0.250% No

Performance & Risk


Latest Return Date: Latest Result: Fund Inception Date: Annualised Return:
May 2024 1.05% 01 March 2017 10.04%
Latest 3 Months: Latest 6 Months: Latest 12 Months: Latest 2 Years p.a.:
-3.97% 9.06% 6.16% 5.58%
Latest 3 Years p.a.: Latest 4 Years p.a.: Latest 5 Years p.a.: Latest 7 Years p.a.:
0.48% 7.64% 9.77% 9.12%

Performance Statistics

% Positive Months (S.I.): Average Return: Average +ve Return: Average -ve Return:
66.28% 0.90% 3.37% -3.98%
Best Month: Worst Month: Up Capture Ratio (S.I.): Down Capture Ratio (S.I.):
9.82% -11.78% 114.68% 118.48%
Largest Drawdown (S.I.): Longest Drawdown (S.I.): Current Drawdown (%): Current Drawdown (Months):
-27.87% 29 months -10.67% 29 months


Annualised Standard Deviation (S.I.): Downside Deviation (S.I.): Sortino Ratio (S.I.): -
14.97% 10.26% 0.79 -
Sharpe Ratio (12 months): Sharpe Ratio (3 years): Sharpe Ratio (5 years): Sharpe Ratio (S.I.):
0.19 -0.02 0.57 0.61
Please note, Sharpe and Sortino ratios are calculated using the Australian Risk Free Rate

Ranking, Research & Availability

Fund Quintile in its Peer Group (Equity Long - Mid/Small Cap - Global) as at May 2024

AFM's Quintile Rankings show performance and Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) of Ellerston Global Mid Small Cap Fund (Class A) compared to a peer group of funds with a similar strategy and geographic mandate. Each green square places a fund in one quintile (or 20%) of its peer group - five indicating that the fund is in the top (best) quintile for the corresponding KPI.

As a reference point the equivalent "quintile" performance of the peer group's underlying market index is also indicated by the red dot.

1 Year
3 Year
5 Year
7 Year
Ellerston Global Mid Small Cap Fund (Class A)
All Countries World Index (AUD)

External Research and Ratings: As reported by each Fund Manager.

No external fund ratings provided

Availability:As reported by each Fund Manager.

No investment platforms supplied

News & Insights

Fund Documents

Manager's Report

Product disclosure/IM

Target Market Determination

Fund Performance

Historical Performance (all figures shown here are net of fees unless otherwise stated)

Year Jan % Feb % Mar % Apr % May % Jun % Jul % Aug % Sep % Oct % Nov % Dec % YTD %
2024 1.87 6.27 1.46 -6.34 1.05 N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R 3.95
2023 7.11 2.13 1.99 -0.35 1.55 5.11 2.10 0.64 -5.60 -8.97 4.88 4.91 15.29
2022 -8.02 -4.04 -5.63 -1.00 -2.83 -8.35 9.82 -4.76 -6.09 8.57 0.75 -5.54 -25.47
2021 6.92 1.66 3.77 1.11 2.11 4.12 0.49 6.19 -3.45 -0.28 3.70 2.38 32.24
2020 3.78 -4.33 -11.78 5.40 7.68 -1.16 1.30 2.77 -0.59 3.02 6.17 1.59 13.00
2019 5.11 3.17 0.84 6.49 -2.16 3.48 3.66 1.44 1.74 0.96 5.46 1.29 36.03
2018 -1.24 1.74 0.18 0.57 0.71 4.04 -0.93 4.36 1.14 -8.25 -3.02 -4.41 -5.64
2017 N/R N/R N/R 6.04 1.64 -2.68 -2.48 -0.25 5.91 3.95 4.01 -0.81 15.89

Historical Financial Year Performance (all figures shown here are are percentage per month net of fees unless otherwise stated)

Year Jul % Aug % Sep % Oct % Nov % Dec % Jan % Feb % Mar % Apr % May % Jun % FYTD %
2023/2024 2.10 0.64 -5.60 -8.97 4.88 4.91 1.87 6.27 1.46 -6.34 1.05 N/A 1.00
2022/2023 9.82 -4.76 -6.09 8.57 0.75 -5.54 7.11 2.13 1.99 -0.35 1.55 5.11 20.44
2021/2022 0.49 6.19 -3.45 -0.28 3.70 2.38 -8.02 -4.04 -5.63 -1.00 -2.83 -8.35 -19.90
2020/2021 1.30 2.77 -0.59 3.02 6.17 1.59 6.92 1.66 3.77 1.11 2.11 4.12 39.42
2019/2020 3.66 1.44 1.74 0.96 5.46 1.29 3.78 -4.33 -11.78 5.40 7.68 -1.16 13.37
2018/2019 -0.93 4.36 1.14 -8.25 -3.02 -4.41 5.11 3.17 0.84 6.49 -2.16 3.48 4.87
2017/2018 -2.48 -0.25 5.91 3.95 4.01 -0.81 -1.24 1.74 0.18 0.57 0.71 4.04 17.20
2016/2017 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6.04 1.64 -2.68 4.90

General Notes

Fund was restructured from an LIC to a Unit Trust in August 2020.