AFM Fund Profile — Blackwattle Small Cap Long-Short Quality Fund

Fund & Manager Details

Key Facts

Fund Type: Single Discretionary/Quantitative: Discretionary
Strategy: Equity Long/Short FUM (millions): AU$88m
Style: Blend Fund Inception Date: Since 01 May 2019
Geographic Mandate: Australia Latest Return Date: August 2023
Fund Domicile: Australia Investor Type: Wholesale & Retail
Status: Open Reporting Status: Ceased Reporting

Manager Details and Fund Description

Manager: Blackwattle Investment Partners Total FUM for all funds: AU$88m
Manager Overview:
In 2023 Blackwattle established its team with expertise across Investment, Distribution and Marketing, and Governance. The Company is built on the foundation of alignment and focuses on 3 key areas for success, such as Investment Excellence, Transparency, and Governance. Blackwattle does not allow personal trading and 100% of staff members own equity in the company.

Blackwattle has installed two external governing councils that assist in shaping its business. The Blackwattle ESG Advisory Council provides oversight of the company and its portfolios and the Blackwattle Investment Advisory Council whose purpose is to provide guidance, perspective, and critical thought to enhance investment decision making.
Fund/Strategy Overview:

The Fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index after fees but before taxes over the medium to long term, by investing in or short selling publicly listed securities primarily outside of the S&P/ASX 100 on Australian and New Zealand securities exchanges. The Fund targets a 130% long / 30% short portfolio structure. It may invest in exchange traded derivatives and cash or cash equivalents, use leverage to magnify exposure to investments by borrowing cash and offering securities as collateral, as well as utilise the cash generated from a short securities sale to purchase additional securities to extend long positions.

Other funds operated by manager:
Blackwattle Large Cap Quality Fund, Blackwattle Long Short 130/30 Quality Fund, Blackwattle Mid Cap Quality Fund, Blackwattle Small Cap Quality Fund

Investment Details

Investment Terms

Minimum Investment: Minimum Additional Investment: Minimum Term: Investment Frequency:
AU$50,000 AU$5,000 Monthly
Regular Savings Option: Regular Savings Min. Amount : Regular Savings Max. Amount : Regular Savings Freq.:
No N/A 
Redemption Notice: Redemption Frequency: Notes:
Distributions: Distribution Frequency: Last Distribution Date: Last Distribution Amount:
Yes 6 Monthly AU$


Offshore/Onshore: Fund Structure: Share Classes: Trustee/Responsible Entity:
Onshore Unit Trust AU$ Equity Trustees
Administrator: Prime Broker: Custodian: Legal:
Apex Fund Services Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc and UBS AG Morgan Stanley & Co International plc and UBS Nominees N/A

Fund Fees

Management Fee: Performance Fee: High Water Mark: Hurdle:
1.3% % Yes RBA Cash Rate
Buy Spread: Sell spread: Early Redemption Fee: Fees Notes:
0.300% 0.300% No

Performance & Risk


Latest Return Date: Latest Result: Fund Inception Date: Annualised Return:
August 2023 0.20% 01 May 2019 0.95%
Latest 3 Months: Latest 6 Months: Latest 12 Months: Latest 2 Years p.a.:
-2.99% -4.43% -7.16% -2.11%
Latest 3 Years p.a.: Latest 4 Years p.a.: Latest 5 Years p.a.: Latest 7 Years p.a.:
0.49% 0.07% N/A N/A

Performance Statistics

% Positive Months (S.I.): Average Return: Average +ve Return: Average -ve Return:
51.92% 0.09% 1.06% -0.96%
Best Month: Worst Month: Up Capture Ratio (S.I.): Down Capture Ratio (S.I.):
3.85% -2.42% 0.42% -6.20%
Largest Drawdown (S.I.): Longest Drawdown (S.I.): Current Drawdown (%): Current Drawdown (Months):
-9.01% 14 months -8.83% 14 months


Annualised Standard Deviation (S.I.): Downside Deviation (S.I.): Sortino Ratio (S.I.): -
4.47% 3.10% -0.05 -
Sharpe Ratio (12 months): Sharpe Ratio (3 years): Sharpe Ratio (5 years): Sharpe Ratio (S.I.):
-3.11 -0.15 N/A -0.01
Please note, Sharpe and Sortino ratios are calculated using the Australian Risk Free Rate

Ranking, Research & Availability

Fund Quintile in its Peer Group (Equity Alternative - Australia) as at August 2023

AFM's Quintile Rankings show performance and Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) of Blackwattle Small Cap Long-Short Quality Fund compared to a peer group of funds with a similar strategy and geographic mandate. Each green square places a fund in one quintile (or 20%) of its peer group - five indicating that the fund is in the top (best) quintile for the corresponding KPI.

As a reference point the equivalent "quintile" performance of the peer group's underlying market index is also indicated by the red dot.

No Quintile data found for peer group benchmark ASX200 Total Return

External Research and Ratings: As reported by each Fund Manager.

No external fund ratings provided

Availability:As reported by each Fund Manager.

Available on Investment Platforms:
BT Wrap, HUB24, Macquarie Wrap, Netwealth, Powerwrap, Ausmaq

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Fund Documents

Manager's Report

Product disclosure/IM

Fund Performance

Historical Performance (all figures shown here are net of fees unless otherwise stated)

Year Jan % Feb % Mar % Apr % May % Jun % Jul % Aug % Sep % Oct % Nov % Dec % YTD %
2023 -1.90 1.10 -0.80 -0.20 -0.50 -2.30 -0.90 0.20 N/R N/R N/R N/R -5.22
2022 -0.24 0.15 0.41 -0.08 0.20 0.22 -0.97 -0.83 -1.31 -0.57 -1.17 1.00 -3.17
2021 0.78 3.85 -1.14 0.96 -0.52 -2.42 0.68 0.48 0.02 2.86 1.11 0.37 7.10
2020 0.75 -1.11 -2.42 0.86 -0.66 -1.25 1.06 1.09 0.13 1.42 2.76 -1.08 1.43
2019 N/R N/R N/R N/R -0.70 0.94 2.09 1.54 -0.49 1.59 -0.42 -0.10 4.49

Historical Financial Year Performance (all figures shown here are are percentage per month net of fees unless otherwise stated)

Year Jul % Aug % Sep % Oct % Nov % Dec % Jan % Feb % Mar % Apr % May % Jun % FYTD %
2023/2024 -0.90 0.20 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A -0.70
2022/2023 -0.97 -0.83 -1.31 -0.57 -1.17 1.00 -1.90 1.10 -0.80 -0.20 -0.50 -2.30 -8.18
2021/2022 0.68 0.48 0.02 2.86 1.11 0.37 -0.24 0.15 0.41 -0.08 0.20 0.22 6.32
2020/2021 1.06 1.09 0.13 1.42 2.76 -1.08 0.78 3.85 -1.14 0.96 -0.52 -2.42 6.94
2019/2020 2.09 1.54 -0.49 1.59 -0.42 -0.10 0.75 -1.11 -2.42 0.86 -0.66 -1.25 0.27
2018/2019 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A -0.70 0.94 0.23