Ellerston Global Mid Small Cap Fund (Class A)

Responsible Investing Approach

Ellerston Capital integrates consideration of labour standards or social, environmental or ethical considerations through a proprietary and multi-step approach to ESG embedded throughout the investment process in the selection, retention or realisation of investments. The Fund Manager has adopted an "ESG Matrix" framework for integrating ESG issues into its investee company analysis, alongside fundamental considerations. It also restricts direct investments in companies in some sectors based on the revenue threshold limits.

Ellerston seeks to actively engage with its investee companies to deepen its understanding of management views and strategies with regards to both business and ESG-related issues, this engagement provides the opportunity to voice any concerns it may have about any material ESG risks.

For more on this funds ESG approach visit
ExclusionsTobaccoAlcoholWeaponsFossil fuel exploration, mining and productionEnvironmental damageUnethical treatment of livestockGamblingNuclear power (including uranium mining)
InclusionsClimate action & towards net zeroSustainable water managementDiversity & women's empowerment
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