Aoris International Fund

Responsible Investing Approach

Aoris considers a company's management of its environmental and labour resources, as well as its social and ethical behaviour (ESG), to be important factors in our assessment of its quality, and in turn its suitability for investment. Aoris does aim to screen out companies engaging in certain activities, such as those it considers to be in structurally declining industries like fossil fuels and tobacco and those whose negative impact on society puts them at risk of adverse regulatory findings such as gambling and social media. Aoris also excludes companies based on their behaviour, such as poor labour and environmental practices. 

Aoris positively seeks companies they believe exhibit ethical and sustainable behaviour. ESG aspects are ordinarily considered throughout the investment process as part of the fundamental research, investment selection and portfolio construction stages of the process. There is a risk that the companies in the portfolio may not necessarily meet all of the ESG requirements at all times. To help mitigate this risk, Aoris conducts an annual ESG process for all portfolio stocks and portfolio candidates. Where Aoris believes the company has demonstrated a wilful disregard for general ESG principles, it may choose to avoid or divest on a case by case basis. Where Aoris chooses to divest due to ESG principles, it may do so within a timeframe it considers reasonable in all the circumstances. 

For more on this funds ESG approach visit
ExclusionsTobaccoWeaponsFossil fuel exploration, mining and productionLabour rights violationsEnvironmental damageAnimal testing for non-medical purposesCompanies that engage in tax avoidance strategiesGambling
InclusionsClimate action & towards net zeroDiversity & women's empowerment
View Full ESG Profile on ESGcheck