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Index Selector Links | 1 Year | 3 Year | 5 Year |
5.61% |
5.83% |
6.20% |
72.23% |
11.19% |
55.36% |
11.64% |
1.39% |
4.43% |
16.08% |
5.03% |
7.47% |
14.41% |
5.36% |
8.48% |
16.37% |
2.49% |
7.13% |
18.58% |
6.41% |
8.49% |
21.19% |
5.31% |
10.28% |
18.30% |
0.95% |
8.22% |
19.64% |
1.72% |
8.81% |
7.91% |
1.32% |
1.64% |
10.28% |
4.02% |
4.44% |
9.43% |
6.76% |
6.23% |
10.18% |
7.03% |
6.28% |
17.24% |
7.24% |
5.09% |
11.69% |
4.00% |
6.19% |
8.83% |
-1.87% |
1.27% |
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